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Ephedra - anyone?


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Just curious about this. It was banned then unbanned in some states. . . is it legal to purchase this in Ohio now and if so where? I've gotten back into weightlifting recently and used to do a very successful ECA stack. Currently I'm using an ephedrine sulfate I purchase online, however it would be nice to know if there's a supp store that actually sells it around here.
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Unless you are making millions $$$ I would stay away from all that crazy stuff.Just one mans opinion that is seconded by his Dr.




Ephedrine is far from crazy. The only reason it is a controlled substance is its prolific use in the manufacturing of methamphetamines. The Chinese have been using Ma Huang for centuries. Don't believe the hype.

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Im fairly sure the first time I heard it was being pulled from shelves was because some kid downed a handful of them before a high school football game and had a heart attack.


Ive never heard them being used in body building but I cant say im surprised. Oh and maybe it's because I know NOTHING about body building... just maybe.


So why use this for body building? What benefit do you see from using it? Not insulting you, just curious thats all.

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Im fairly sure the first time I heard it was being pulled from shelves was because some kid downed a handful of them before a high school football game and had a heart attack.


Ive never heard them being used in body building but I cant say im surprised. Oh and maybe it's because I know NOTHING about body building... just maybe.


So why use this for body building? What benefit do you see from using it? Not insulting you, just curious thats all.


Once again a prime example of abuse. A LOT of over the counter drugs can be fatal if taken improperly.


I'm not into body building, just trying to get more healthy. Ephedrine is a stimulant, it curbs your appetite, and when used with a caffeine product it's very effective in giving you energy while burning fat, and not having a huge hunger afterwards.

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sweet, I got some ephdra in my "astma" pills


Exactly, lol. But seriously, it's a stimulant. . . and it helps you breathe better. . . that should be good for working out, right? rofl


A lot of guys on bodybuilding.com use it, not that it makes it smart, but I'm willing to give anything a try.


Go go gadget asthma medication.

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Bodybuilders use Clenbuterol which is far more potent,mildly anabolic, and anti-catabolic, meaning it reduces the rate in which your muscle is consumed during a caloric deficit. Ephedrine isn't even in the same ballpark.


A fatal amount of anything is deadly. If a kid swallowed a handful of aspirin and died, it is not going to be pulled from the shelves. Any incidents in which ephedrine was a factor were used as a means to an end. That end being the FDA being able to control one of the main sources of Meth production.

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True many bodybuilders do use clenbuterol...and its sister albuterol. But on a much less extreme, is the ECA stack. A very common cycle of clenbuterol is 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off...on the 2 off weeks use a cycle of ECA.


But lets stay away from the clen and albu, anyway, I would suggest using primatene instead of the bronkaid. The ephedrine hydrochloride is more efficient than the ephedrine sulfate. At first you will be fine with the sulfate but after a short stint, your body will get used to it and you won't even realize you are taking it. Even in the article that was posted they said the test was performed with ephedrine HCL not sulfate. Keep that in mind. And as far as the aspirin that they don't recommend. Its supposed to help the "affect" of the ECA stack last longer along with essentially "canceling out" the guaifenesin. I know some who take a children's aspirin instead of a full one.



And yes, ephedra was illegal at one time. Ephedrine never was. Ephedra is the herbal form and ephedrine is the synthetic form. Reason ephedra became illegal was because the FDA realized that it was to hard to accurately measure the correct amount of ephedra to put in a product the way that they were doing it. I don't know if anyone remembers the old school hydroxycut or even the diet fuel that had ephedra in. I knew many people who took one or the other, and some said it worked and some said they couldn't even tell. Its cause sometimes the formula was right, sometimes it wasn't.


I'm not saying its safe or not, ask your doctor if you should take it!

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