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little story-power of money (long read) Rant


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I have been searching for 3 days for my daughters nintendo ds. I have literally torn my house and cars upside down. Taken everything including the piano apart to find it. I have snaked my heating vents, opened boxes that havent been opened for 10 years. I even threatened my kids with false calls to schools and flyers being distributed around the world in search of the so called pink ds. I did a csi style interogation on a 6 year old and even attempted my own version of hypnotism trying to get her to recall the last seconds of her last time playing it. My wife and I were on the verge or divorcing due to my obsession with finding this thing. 2 days ago my wife and I were on our first crime scene investigation into the eclipse. I go so far as to take the spare tire out but refuse to check under the rear seat that is form fitted to the body and is only removable to access the fuel pump. So days go by and I am calling long lost friends on the off chance that someone has come in contact with the now infamous pink ds. Grandparents are on high alert searching every square inch of living space my kids have ever set foot on. Finally as a last desperation move, I do as any investigator does in last ditch effort to draw up new leads, I go public. I make an announcment to anyone that can hear that if the ds shows up or anyone comes forward with new information, I will give $10 to no questions asked. Literally within 1 min I have said pink ds thanks to my eldest son. Anyone care to take a guess where it was finally located?
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Under the seat of the eclipse or in his room because he was hiding it from his sister because he thought it was funny.


I gave him alot of ribbing for finding it so quickly. And I tore apart the entire house so if it was in there, I would have found it. I believe that it was just dumb luck. I have made it very clear to all my kids that lying is not acceptable. I always tell them I dont care what they do in life even if they destroy something or do something bad just because they "fucking feel like it"(not so many words), as long as they tell the truth about it and are willing to accept the circumstances, I am fine with it. Just never lie about something unless no good can come from telling the truth.

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