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Home Alarm with Digital Phone? WOW ??


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With information that I was given earlier this year, the answer is no. However, seeing as how technology advances so quickly these days, there may be an alarm system out that can tie into the digital phone line.


When you do check on this and get an answer, please post back here and let us know. I'm very interested in this topic.

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With information that I was given earlier this year, the answer is no. However, seeing as how technology advances so quickly these days, there may be an alarm system out that can tie into the digital phone line.

Here is the answer: you were lied to from the begining. It works and has always worked, as long as it has been wired up correctly.


Several alarm companies have used VOIP services as either an excuse to not troubleshoot issues by saying "it doesn't work." Or they use it as an excuse to either sell you a new panel, or they love it as an excuse to sell their cellular backup panel for big bucks.


I've had them directly argue with me over the phone, saying it wouldn't work. Then I did an alarm test, asked them if it worked...then I ask how it worked since it was through VOIP service.


The alarm will work, period. The ONLY panels I've found that won't work with VOIP service are the once that can't be switched from the old pulse-dialing (which is rare); anything touch tone will work.


BTW, you will be lucky to find an alarm guy that can wire to a VOIP setup correctly. It isn't hard; but most of them just aren't that bright.

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Thanks man! I'm calling the alarm company today and will talk with them. I know they tried to sell me their cell service version as a back up to cut phone lines, but I don't need it as my phone lines are under my deck and only accessible if you remove the 3x3 section of deck I had constructed for just such access.


I am changing jobs so I'll have to pay for my land line again, so I'd rather lower my bill from $63 to $10 :D


Here is the answer: you were lied to from the begining. It works and has always worked, as long as it has been wired up correctly.


Several alarm companies have used VOIP services as either an excuse to not troubleshoot issues by saying "it doesn't work." Or they use it as an excuse to either sell you a new panel, or they love it as an excuse to sell their cellular backup panel for big bucks.


I've had them directly argue with me over the phone, saying it wouldn't work. Then I did an alarm test, asked them if it worked...then I ask how it worked since it was through VOIP service.


The alarm will work, period. The ONLY panels I've found that won't work with VOIP service are the once that can't be switched from the old pulse-dialing (which is rare); anything touch tone will work.


BTW, you will be lucky to find an alarm guy that can wire to a VOIP setup correctly. It isn't hard; but most of them just aren't that bright.

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cool....that's what I have. the local Brinks office was closed today, but I will call them or the 800 national number in the morning.


Yes it works, and Joe wired mine up. Brinks with all the goodies, and WOW for the provider.


My wife and I are good shots as well. I'm thinking of posting our targets with a "this could be you, get out now" around the entry points of the house :D

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