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We may have lost another one.


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It always distresses me to see a fellow member of this forum, or anyone in our industry to be lost in a senseless accident. Recently-I was forwarded video of a high speed chase that ended in a double fatality. At first, I thought the car looked like a Supra. When I searched for better pics- I think my fears were confirmed.




It looks to be a white Supra, with Wheels an an exhaust. the driver of the white car has not been ID'd yet. I have members of their local forum lookign into it. either way-my prayers go out to his family.

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It always distresses me to see a fellow member of this forum, or anyone in our industry to be lost in a senseless accident. Recently-I was forwarded video of a high speed chase that ended in a double fatality. At first, I thought the car looked like a Supra. When I searched for better pics- I think my fears were confirmed.




It looks to be a white Supra, with Wheels an an exhaust. the driver of the white car has not been ID'd yet. I have members of their local forum lookign into it. either way-my prayers go out to his family.


I guess his name was Alex, 24 yrs old. No one really knew him at SF. His myspace page I believe was taken down today....what a shame that the jackass in the Altima would do that to an innocent bystander.

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That's pretty messed up, what a lousy way to go. That being said, this is a good example of why paying attention and driving defensively can save lives, if the supra driver had managed to get his car swerved enough to avoid a completely head-on collision he would have stood a much better chance at surviving. When you play chicken, the last one to swerve is either stupid or dead (or both).
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Just another reason why I think all police hi-speed chases should be banned. Shit like this happens way too offten.


No, it happens because the courts keep letting these pieces of shit back onto the street. Banning high speed chases is NOT the solution, actually prosecuting these fuckheads and sending them to a REAL fucking jail, to be actually PUNISHED for their crimes, is what will stop this shit from happening.


Failing that, I'm getting more and more in favor of helicopter mounted guns to end chases. One BMG round through the hood will kill the motor, and then they can just coast to a stop while the ground units box them up.

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That horrible that the guy in the Altima would take someone else's live along with him. But for the guy in the white Supra, it looked like he had more than enough time to react to try and avoid him. He should'n't have gotten hit, even though things like that can't be anticipated.
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IMO he may seemed to have had enough time, but in reality, his brain likely didn't even finish processing what was happening.


I was going north on 23 just before Powell rd a few years back when a Semi Truck crossed over into my lane and eventually took out about 3 power poles on the east side of 23 before crashing into some cars.


It was surreal to me at the time and I remember not being able to process and judge what was happening until he was into the first pole. That distance was not what I would deem critically close to me either, so I can't imagine if he was headed right at me. I had stopped in the middle of the road in the turn lane and when I finally came to a full conclusion, I don't remember even moving over and stopping.


Sure, instinct says we'd do one thing, but you never know. Hell, he could have been changing the radio or even just thinking about something else and with no one in front of him and what looked like light traffic, somewhat in "Cruise Mode."


Unfortunately we won't know. Definitely a tragic loss for someones family.


That horrible that the guy in the Altima would take someone else's live along with him. But for the guy in the white Supra, it looked like he had more than enough time to react to try and avoid him. He should'n't have gotten hit, even though things like that can't be anticipated.
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I think the police are trying to make it look like he wanted to kill himself, but really he was not an experienced driver and lost it and killed someone, In no way am I making fun of the guy, feel awful for both parties involved, but looks like the cops were chasing at a high rate of speed and the dude got nervous and lost it, aren't the cops supposed to let the guy goes when it becomes unsafe for people around that aren't in the pursuit???
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The suspect had already robbed 4 other banks in three weeks and it was only a matter of time before he shot someone. The suspect was getting more and more bold with every robbery that much is evident. The officers were well behind the suspect and a chopper was following. When you look at his driving he did not swerve or lose it he crossed the center median and drove directly at the victim in the white supra. The suspect knew his he was done for this time and chose to end it all but took an innocent with him in his last act of desperation. I wish he would have just killed himself instead of being a selfish prick.


My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims family.

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No, it happens because the courts keep letting these pieces of shit back onto the street. Banning high speed chases is NOT the solution, actually prosecuting these fuckheads and sending them to a REAL fucking jail, to be actually PUNISHED for their crimes, is what will stop this shit from happening.


Failing that, I'm getting more and more in favor of helicopter mounted guns to end chases. One BMG round through the hood will kill the motor, and then they can just coast to a stop while the ground units box them up.


True, and I agree with you. But the point still remains that high speed chases seldom end up with a happy ending. :(

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