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Vick sentenced.....


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From rich to fucking broke.....for being stupid shit....


Prosecutors also have disclosed the extent of Vick's financial ruin. According to court documents, the Atlanta Falcons are attempting to recoup bonus money from his 10-year, $130 million football contract, Vick is in default on a $1.3 million bank loan for a wine store, and two other banks have filed suits seeking repayment of a $4.5 million in loans and lines of credit.



Vick's home in the Atlanta area is on the market for $4.5 million, prosecutors said in court papers. The Virginia home where the dogfighting operation was based, assessed at nearly $750,000, is on the auction block, according to reports published over the weekend.


Vick agreed to pay more than $928,000 for the care of some 54 pit bulls seized from his property

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x10,000 he and many others aren't worth shit in life. I feel no pain for any of them. got what he deserves and off a bit easy if you ask me.


Once a hood rat always a hood rat. You give a hillbilly millions, he's still a hillbilly with a lot of money to keep being a hillbilly.
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Yeah 23 months, you could rape a woman and do less time. But fuck this is a dog, much more important than humans. This fuckin country is going to shit.



If you or I were caught right now fighting dogs, we'd get a nice fine and probably probation of some sort. PETA needed to have a serious example made of someone important for this crime....They found their man with Vick. He went from the face of the Falcons, to the face of what happens if you partake in dogfighting....Oh well, maybe he'll be in "Grindiron gang 2"...

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Fuck all of the Vicks! I quit using vapor rub, because i hate that name so much. ANd was before he killed dogs.



Oh and dog fighting really isnt much worse than, horse racing/bull fighting, both of which if you dont produce, you die. Glue anyone?

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I cant feel sorry for someone that does stupid stuff... but if you can shoot a man and get less time in jail something is wrong.


You guys that go deer hunting be sure to get 1 good clean shot on them. If you shoot and do not kill the deer instanly it can probably be considered cruelty to animals by some sick PETA idiot.


I hope he learns his lesson, ditches his so called friends, and does better with his life when he gets out.

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likely not and that is sad.....but then they are out to make a statement with this so called "professional" that has million$ and is a public figure to many kids and adults.


personally, I hate that most of the big league stars walk around like they own the world and they are so great when in reality they should be x10 greatful they have what they do.


doesn't make your example right of course...as I hate that too, but making an example of the rich is something that needs done too.


I guarantee anything that chic that recently hit and killed that lady on Polaris.....and drove home will not get 23 months in a jail.
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likely not and that is sad.....but then they are out to make a statement with this so called "professional" that has million$ and is a public figure to many kids and adults.


personally, I hate that most of the big league stars walk around like they own the world and they are so great when in reality they should be x10 greatful they have what they do.


doesn't make your example right of course...as I hate that too, but making an example of the rich is something that needs done too.


I am a believer in "do the crime, do the time"....As you stated, I think they(Peta) were looking for a big name to put their all into for getting a conviction. Is it wrong...kinda, but not really....if that makes sense. We live in a screwed up society....simple as that. I would not trade it for any other, but I can complain about it.

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What the media wants, the media gets. They control the American public.


But rich white guys own the media, so... I guess you would have to say "i saw this coming."


He would have got 12 months if he would have been still failing drug test.

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Oh and dog fighting really isnt much worse than, horse racing/bull fighting, both of which if you dont produce, you die. Glue anyone?


That's why they don't bullfight in the USA. That stuff makes me sicker than anything in the world.


Horseracing is different, they don't get killed if they don't produce. They are given to places like Last Chance Corral and adopted to farms. They are put to sleep if they injury theirselves, but not b/c they don't do well.

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