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Anyone switch to IGS Energy for Natural Gas?


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There may not be a catch. Especially if its one of those energy brokers. They buy energy in bulk units (amazing that they can sell units of something like that) and resell to you. Its possible that getting repairs might be a hassle or something because they may just be the "middle man." I know nothing about IGS specifically though. I just have a basic understanding of the energy trading industry.



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I received one from the city of bexley today, what's the rate they stated in your flyer? I'm considering doing it, I need to check my current rate at Columbus Gas, but my dad said he did it last year and it saved him money and the only catch is that your locked in at that rate for the term, which in my paper said until the end of 2008, so basically a year.


I'll post back my findings in a bit.

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the only catch is that some of these company's are very small companies and they sometimes go out of business, but all that happens is that you default back to Columbia Gas, and if you don't notice that on a bill you will see a higher than usual bill and wonder why


so i guess there is no real catch

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Thanks for the feedback. I'll check rates at both places after I make some calls today. IGS's rate is $.1059 per ccf through December 2008. Again, not sure how that compares.


The reason I'm considering it is that gas doesn't appear to be headed downward anytime soon.


More later.

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