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2000 election was fixed?


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no proof it was fixed, just the possibility it could have been, and every one knows that exit polls are never close.

To you have the slightest clue how much money was riding on that election!? If it was possible to fix that election, it was fixed, same with 2004. There was just too much at stake NOT to fix it. There were single entities with potentially billions of dollars riding on that election, defense contractors being at the top. They had access to geeks, and more than enough money to pay them off. They simply could not afford to put the election in the hands of Rove and the voters.


Why just now are we hearing about it.

Guess who's in charge of your media? To release that would be unAmerican, STOP HATING AMERICA!

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To you have the slightest clue how much money was riding on that election!? If it was possible to fix that election, it was fixed, same with 2004. There was just too much at stake NOT to fix it. There were single entities with potentially billions of dollars riding on that election, defense contractors being at the top. They had access to geeks, and more than enough money to pay them off. They simply could not afford to put the election in the hands of Rove and the voters.



Guess who's in charge of your media? To release that would be unAmerican, STOP HATING AMERICA!

in the 2000 election, most places were still on paper punch cards, so there was a paper trail, and didnt florida and other places do a manual recount??

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in the 2000 election, most places were still on paper punch cards, so there was a paper trail, and didnt florida and other places do a manual recount??

Where applicable. The reason for the manual recount was closeness and complaints regarding the paper ballot lay-out. The electronic voting machines weren't looked at because everyone who used them thought they were fine. The program he described would have flipped peoples votes without them knowing. The perfect crime is one in which the victim doesn't even know they were robbed.

Now, Ohio was mentioned allot. Recall who Blackwell was during the 2004 election. ALSO recall his financial stake and influence with the very company that produced these machines. If you don't think that's shady, I have a bridge to sell you.

Combine that with the fact that Ohio descided the last presidential election with a very close race.

Dig this shit:



http://counterpunch.org/urban11162004.html (scroll down a bit)


This is all stuff that I wanted to forget, but it's been brought up again and I am pissed.

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Absolutely no surprise whatsoever. I'm still shocked to this day that nobody said anything about one of the candidates BROTHERS being GOVERNOR of the state that had such a "problem" with the voting that one year.



A lot of people said something. As a matter of fact, shortly after the election I read a book detailing specifics. PM me for the title of the book (if interested), I want no part of the discussion in this thread.

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