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Where is all the Wii's?


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A cretable source has informed me that most of the Targets in the area will have some on Sunday morning. Be advised, arrive before the stores open, as this will be your best chance in obtaining one.


I'm giving you kudos on this one, as your grammar and punctuation are top notch in this post.


But, It's spelled CREDIBLE.

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I'm giving you kudos on this one, as your grammar and punctuation are top notch in this post.


But, It's spelled CREDIBLE.


I fixed this for ya.


"I'm giving you kudos on this one, as your grammar and punctuation is top notch in this post.


But, it's spelled CREDIBLE."

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A cretable source has informed me that most of the Targets in the area will have some on Sunday morning. Be advised, arrive before the stores open, as this will be your best chance in obtaining one.


I was drinking with two people that work for Target last night. They say get there around 6 am, doors open at 8. They have a decent number of them, but they won't last the first hour.

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Damn, my brothers dumbass girlfriend just bought one on black friday. she got 2 controlers and a bunch of games. After all is said and done 500$. Fucking rediculous.


Does anyone think they can unload it to someone for the same exact amount she bought it for? I want to say there were 5 games total included with the system and 2 controllers.

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Thank you for correcting my spelling interweb nerds. You may go back to spooning with your cats.



That's nice. Make an ad hominem attack in response to your own stupidity...regarding people you don't even know...while asking for their help. Absolutely beautiful.



Not only painful, but pitiful as well.

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A cretable source has informed me that most of the Targets in the area will have some on Sunday morning. Be advised, arrive before the stores open, as this will be your best chance in obtaining one.

our target usually has a few everytime i go there.

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