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Anyone else loving Crysis ?

Mr. Jones

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Have you tried Bioshock?


Touche Mike, I forgot about Bioshock. I guess after I played threw it a couple times I haven't touched it. It was suprisingly short, and definitely not as fun as crysis in most aspects. . . but definitely a great single player campaign as well.

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I heard Crysis' story was forgettable, but the game itself is decently fun, not to mention pretty. I think I will wait to buy it.


And CoD 4's Single Player story, however short, is one of the most compelling Ive played in a long time. Its the only game I know of where you get to experience a soldiers last moments.

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I'm hoping my CPU can keep up. It did okay on the Demo -- some settings on High some on Medium. 8800 GTX here, but my 4400+ Toledo X2 is a major bottleneck. :(


I was an AMD guy for years and years, and for the first time ever built an Intel system last February. I dont think I will ever go back.

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I was an AMD guy for years and years, and for the first time ever built an Intel system last February. I dont think I will ever go back.


Yeah I used Intel for a very long time as well, then when the Athlon 64s were stomping the Pentium 4 and Pentium D's I moved over to a 3700+ San Diego and then to this one about 18 months ago. I need a Q6600. :) Waiting to see if Phenom goes anywhere though...time will tell. Intel is hot right now though.

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