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Who has the worst fans?

El Karacho1647545492

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90% of OSU fans are the worse fans in the world. If you walk around on campus with anything other than an OSU hat on you get shit talked and haggled. It's rediculous.


personally i think if you go to the home town of any team and wear something other than their teams colors you get hasseled thats just me but i'm a realist


we do have some dumb fans but no where near the worst, you just happen to live in the hometown of at team who you don't like and are negative about everything osu style and nitpick us and ignore other teams

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got a link? I can't find anything on that story..


best i could find is a 10 second clip where you can see it coming to a rest.


there are a bunch of references, but i cant find the original article.


here is a picture from San Siro (where AC milan and inter milan play....)


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Everyone has their "bad" annoying fans. We see a TON of OSU fans so odds are we'll see a number of annoying ones. I work with a bunch of annoying Steelers fans.. Because I know a dozen or so annoying ones I hate them pretty bad..but it's a small sample to say they all suck.. Course I say it anyways..:D


Try going to a Browns game in Cleveland wearing Bengals stuff..people are wanting to fight and crap (until you call em on it..haha).. and that's stupid. The yelling and taunting stuff I can take and can be pretty funny.. Browns fans were just not creative at ALL (Ex: "Bengals SUUUCK!" 50K times :rolleyes: ) :)


I know plenty of Browns fans that have went to Cinci and still had fun..And being to a lot of Bengals games I see the opposing fans arent treated that harshly at all..I know plenty of Browns fans that will agree they have many more buttholes in their fan base. Heck couple of my buddies who are Browns fans said last game they drove up wearing neutral stuff and hadnt put on their jerseys yet and 10 idiots ran up and started shaking their car and cussing at them.

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Any team in New York has the worst fans.. and thats coming from a Yankees and Knicks fans.. I will boo A-Rod everytime he strikes out and cuss him out if he hits a pop fly.. for 275 million a year I'm sure he can take a few cuss words..
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Any team in New York has the worst fans.. and thats coming from a Yankees and Knicks fans.. I will boo A-Rod everytime he strikes out and cuss him out if he hits a pop fly.. for 275 million a year I'm sure he can take a few cuss words..






most uncreative chant EVER.

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