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My contribution to the spelling/grammer ranting


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OMG why is everyone calling engines "motors" now? For some reason this is bothering me and I think it has something to do with images of hicks every time I read that word.

Its an internal combustion engine and there is a big difference. Look it up or sound like a dumb ass:-)

Not really spelling or grammar, but I feel the pain those ranters have.



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Also from dictionary.com


Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This

en·gine /ˈɛndʒən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[en-juhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


1. a machine for converting thermal energy into mechanical energy or power to produce force and motion.

2. a railroad locomotive.

3. a fire engine.

4. any mechanical contrivance.

5. a machine or instrument used in warfare, as a battering ram, catapult, or piece of artillery.

6. Obsolete. an instrument of torture, esp. the rack.

[Origin: 1250–1300; ME engin < AF, OF < L ingenium nature, innate quality, esp. mental power, hence a clever invention, equiv. to in- in-2 + -genium, equiv. to gen- begetting (see kin) + -ium -ium]


I see nothing in there about cars. First definition is too general, and the rest of them have nothing to do with what you are talking about. Who is the hick now?

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OMG why is everyone calling engines "motors" now? For some reason this is bothering me and I think it has something to do with images of hicks every time I read that word.

Its an internal combustion engine and there is a big difference. Look it up or sound like a dumb ass:-)

Not really spelling or grammar, but I feel the pain those ranters have.




I drive an 02 cougar

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Wheel. The rim is part of the wheel, IMO.


Oh, and cavemen didn't 'invent the rim'. :D


They invented steel belted radials. And later wait for it the motor. At the time, they called legs motors. Think I saw it on some show; maybe discovery or history or something. I think the documentary was called The Flinstones or some shit. I hate when people say "nice motor" when I'm riding my bike. :(

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Yeah no shit. I know how dictionaries grow over time and words take on new meanings, but to me it will always be a hick's word. The difference between a motor and an engine used to be taught in engineering. I even had to know the difference for a boy scout merit badge back in the day.

I guess everyone really does have at least a word that annoys them and yeah I know I suck at spelling and everyone on here should know that by now.


Oh hey your right I really hate "rim" probably even more than "motor." That to me is ghetto and/or dumbass.



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I just had to use this picture again. :D







OMG why is everyone calling engines "motors" now? For some reason this is bothering me and I think it has something to do with images of hicks every time I read that word.

Its an internal combustion engine and there is a big difference. Look it up or sound like a dumb ass:-)

Not really spelling or grammar, but I feel the pain those ranters have.



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Yeah no shit. I know how dictionaries grow over time and words take on new meanings, but to me it will always be a hick's word. The difference between a motor and an engine used to be taught in engineering. I even had to know the difference for a boy scout merit badge back in the day.

I guess everyone really does have at least a word that annoys them and yeah I know I suck at spelling and everyone on here should know that by now.


Oh hey your right I really hate "rim" probably even more than "motor." That to me is ghetto and/or dumbass.




You're spelling is rather horrible. And so is your use of sentence making and paragraph separation. But hey, if you want to rant about people using the word motor, and are that bored to set yourself up for a WTF. So be it.

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Yeah no shit. I know how dictionaries grow over time and words take on new meanings, but to me it will always be a hick's word. The difference between a motor and an engine used to be taught in engineering. I even had to know the difference for a boy scout merit badge back in the day.

I guess everyone really does have at least a word that annoys them and yeah I know I suck at spelling and everyone on here should know that by now.


Oh hey your right I really hate "rim" probably even more than "motor." That to me is ghetto and/or dumbass.




I understand what you mean I was always taught that engines were based of combustion and motors were electric.

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couple things I found.


General rule of thumb is that Engines use thermal energy of some form (steam, petrochemical combustion) while Motors convert electrical energy into mechanical work


Depends on which English you are using. In UK a "Motor" is often used to describe a "Motor car" which of course is driven by an "Engine". Generally engineers here use the word "Engine" to refer to a reciprocating [internal Combustion or Steam] Engine and "Motor" is generally used for rotating power sources such as electric.




A motor is converting electric energy into mechanical energy. A engine is converting chemical energy into mechanical energy.
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couple things I found.


These things are true. Grew up being taught the same things. However, he's nit-picking on CR and is now being nit picked for it. And the world keeps spinning... :D


To truly nit pick:

Our "engines" in our cars do use electrical energy to produce power. Take your battery and alternator out and see if it still goes. ;)

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