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Fuck the Holidays


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Holidays were certainly more fun as a kid, but having kids takes me back to being a kid......so I love the holidays.


Sorry to hear about your sister. I lost my brother last year. We're going back as the funeral home that held his services has a HUGE tree they decorate with ornaments that have photos of all they have served. Families all around get together, remember their loved ones and add their ornament. It's a great service and a cool thing they do for those that have suffered a loss.


IMO, turn her loss around and celebrate her life in some way. Makes the hurt go away and the meaning of the season a little brighter. I doubt she'd want you to hate Christmas.


Uncle wise, get him some help fast. I read your other post. Take action is my best advice. He's obviously not able to do so, so you'll have to step in. Refer back to my previous word about your sister. What would she do/want you to do about your uncle?


Prayers are with you man.

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My sister died while putting up the christmas tree when I was a kid.

My uncle will most likely blow his head off friday.


sorry to hear about your sister. As for your uncle I you realy believe that to be true you need to go to his house and remove the guns.

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OT I know but....


The complete picture behind that advice can't be covered in this thread. However, in summary, kids will change your life and how you view things.


Once they are born, your life is about them and not just you. That's a good thing and forces a behavior change...hopefully it does. The secret to my happiness and views are attributed to my living vicariously through my kids.


There's stress too, but if you look at things through the eyes of a child and handle things with them in mind first when dealing with things, you will find that the result is effective and better for your overall well being than just reacting to something with just ones self in mind.


I took it real hard when my brother died, but explaining things to and facing my son who was aware of the situation helped me deal with it vs just breaking down and what not like I would have done without him being there for me.


Those reading this who don't have kids, likely won't understand. I sense Ben and Shawn know what I'm trying to say. Maybe they can chime in with more insight that will help.


What kind of advice is that, seriously man? I'll refrain myself from going off.
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I find nothing happy about them


+1. Tragedy strikes my family around this time every single year. Because of some shit that went down in my family last week, I will be returning everything that I bought them.


Yesterday I went to someone's desk here at work to fix their computer and they had a little radio on their desk playing holiday music. I just wanted to throw that thing across the fucking warehouse. I was twitching the whole time I was at that desk. A simple little task that only took a couple minutes felt like an eternity.


Next Tuesday, I will be sleeping in and then work on the car the rest of the day.

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