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Booth Headsets


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Are the motorola ones truely junk or am I just a retard? I've tried two of them now and both have the same problem. When someone calls me and I answer they can't hear my voice at all. It works fine when I call out though.

I'm a total noob at cell phones and wireless devices so after two sets I'll accept that I'm just dumb and need help. I have a RAZR V3M btw and yeah I've heard bad things, but its worked perfectly for me (about 2 years) and was free with the plan.


The headsets I've tried H500 and H670. I've searched google and found that I'm not the only one with this problem, but haven't seen any solutions except one in broken English and it wasn't very helpful.



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Hate to hijack my own thread, but how was that link going to be helpful? Yeah I'm one of those 1% too. I am in my car and on my phone nearly all day long for work. I just want this damn thing to work so I can be even more effective at field service (though I can't service anything since I"m on the phone helping the other techs all day.) Hehehe



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lol I'm always tired as fuck when I'm reading on here and also have 6 other windows opened (not to mention usually playing EVE-Online) so I'm not putting 100% into my posts. Hehe I guess that also says I might be a retard so someone tell me what I"m doing wrong with these little wireless devils. I was gonna get my wife a blue tooth dildo, but fuck it. Gonna go get the 120volt unit instead.



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