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Three things that are just annoying


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1. People on game shows who clap for themselves.

2. Finding something you needed yesterday.

3. Your uncle dating an annoying girl you went to highschool with, and her saying that she is going to be your aunt.


Ditto...BUT!!!! What if YOUR the uncle, the chick is smokin hot and can suck/fuck like no other?????

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It Annoys me when Glorified Pizza Jockies talk down to others... KARMA, BITCH!



PS: How many times did you masturbate while thinking of the girl in HS?




I dont understand how im a "Glorified Pizza Jocky"... i run a succesful business.


What do you run? Other than your mouth that is... http://smiliesftw.com/x/goyou.gif

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I dont understand how im a "Glorified Pizza Jocky"... i run a succesful business.


What do you run? Other than your mouth that is... http://smiliesftw.com/x/goyou.gif



You run a team of lowlifes that make pizzas... thus, you're a glorified pizza jockey.



See? That was simple.



Also, plz dont argue with me about cookin teh foodz.

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You run a team of lowlifes that make pizzas... thus, you're a glorified pizza jockey.



See? That was simple.



Also, plz dont argue with me about cookin teh foodz.


You are such an incredible asshole. Do you realize that? Who the fuck do you think you are to talk to or about anyone like that? Youre a dick, seriously. I hope you get hit by a fucking truck for saying such things about people i consider to be my family.

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You are such an incredible asshole. Do you realize that? Who the fuck do you think you are to talk to or about anyone like that? Youre a dick, seriously. I hope you get hit by a fucking truck for saying such things about people i consider to be my family.



Werent you just on here a week or two ago talking about how you were gonna fire everyone/call the cops? Color me confused.



I dont wish any physical harm on you... might wanna calm the hell down?

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