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Q: Is a license a right or a privledge?


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A: Whatever is more profitable for the government at the time.




I bet if she didn't get her license renewed, she probabaly sued claiming ageism and got it back. After 20 years on Cape Cod, I have no sympathy for old drivers.

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I have a 91 year old grandmother that still drives. Believe me when I say that she should not be driving anymore. BUT has only in the last year that her eyesite has failed. I whole heartedly feel that a vision, mental comptency and reflex testing should be mandatory every 2 years after 75 years of age. It should not cost more, if anything it should cost little to nothing. Have a heart they are elderly people, the majority of which are anything but wealthy.
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gotta love the class of having a luggage rack and Camel Hump wheel on a Ford. I bet her velour interior with plush cushions and the Vinyl top are in mint condition too. :rolleyes:


I agree....after age 60, they should be forced to take a full test, including behind the wheel in order to get a renewal.


Sorry mom and dad. :o

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I'd be willing to pay much more to renew my license if they actually TESTED people. (i.e. Reaction time, situational awareness, crash avoidance, etc.) But unfortunately, because it makes more money for the governments, they'll give a license to anyone. :p My test consisted of 1 lap of the local Mall. I didn't run anyone over, so I passed. Unbelieveable.
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