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Ron Paul owned


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McCain is currently leading the New Hampshire primary for the Republicans, Ol' Ron is somewhere in the back...


So much for their stance on Libertarians. The piece about being an Isolationist fits the bill, the guy is a fucking whack job.




He also wants to get rid of the IRS, that way you can REALLY cheat on your taxes, that should help fix the budget...

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Since there are two certanties, 1; there will never be an end to the Ron Paul debate, and 2; he will never get elected president: I have a question for you all. Why did he divest from the GOP, and was it good or bad for his career as presidential hopeful?


Personally I think he has a lot of good ideas, and I would have had more respect for him if he committed to being a reform Republican and his policies were based on fixing what's wrong with the current system. His hypothesis that we need to trash all of our internal and external organizations in order for the country to move forward is both batshiat crazy, and the reason he has no chance at getting elected.

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