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Can someone give me a synopsis of what Ron Paul is about from a political perspective? I see a lot of homemade signs around town for him, and see his name in people's sigs, but I've never heard him speak once.

Giving everyone guns, dissolving NAFTA, dissolving the World Trade Organization, leaving the United Nations, leaving Iraq, and building a giant wall around the entire country. Any minute now this will turn into a 10 page thread of Ron Paul supporters telling you how dumb you are for not following him. Cue Thorne's entrance...

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Giving everyone guns, dissolving NAFTA, dissolving the World Trade Organization, leaving the United Nations, leaving Iraq, and building a giant wall around the entire country. Any minute now this will turn into a 10 page thread of Ron Paul supporters telling you how dumb you are for not following him. Cue Thorne's entrance...


I like all of this except for the giant wall and leaving United Nations.

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Can someone give me a synopsis of what Ron Paul is about from a political perspective? I see a lot of homemade signs around town for him, and see his name in people's sigs, but I've never heard him speak once.




You can also youtube his name, there are a billion videos about him, or you can call me.. ask me on a date, and I will talk your ear off about him as well.


Love and kisses...


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You can also youtube his name, there are a billion videos about him, or you can call me.. ask me on a date, and I will talk your ear off about him as well.


Love and kisses...





Mallard: you forgot dissolving the federal income tax, federal reserve, etc.


He's a Libertarian. He believes the country should be run the way our founding fathers wanted. He believes in taking care of our own people before sending billions of dollars to foreign countries for bullshit.

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Mallard: you forgot dissolving the federal income tax, federal reserve, etc.


He's a Libertarian. He believes the country should be run the way our founding fathers wanted. He believes in taking care of our own people before sending billions of dollars to foreign countries for bullshit.

Oh yes, I fogot the collapse of the monetary system as we know it.

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Giving everyone guns, dissolving NAFTA, dissolving the World Trade Organization, leaving the United Nations, leaving Iraq, and building a giant wall around the entire country. Any minute now this will turn into a 10 page thread of Ron Paul supporters telling you how dumb you are for not following him. Cue Thorne's entrance...


This is a very isolationist view of his stances, which he is not.


He's against gun control. By being in the United Nations we are no longer a sovereign nation, our courts have already used UN influence in some decisions which creates a precedent in which we don't follow our Constitution and leads a path away from it and our enumerated rights. He wants to protect out borders and withdraw troops from around the world, but wants to have diplomacy with all nations. With our current entitlement system, military forces around the world, and $9 trillion in debt something has to give sooner or later.


I am not going to say that anyone is dumb for not following, but I will say if you really do your own research on whats really going on it's much easier to align yourself with his views. Although, it is easier to mock and make fun instead of doing any legwork.


Being 3% behind Thompson and McCain and having over double the votes for Guiliani (who the press deemed a top tier candidate all summer) is good. This is only 1 state, nothing to get excited about for anyone.

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Being 3% behind Thompson and McCain and having over double the votes for Guiliani (who the press deemed a top tier candidate all summer) is good. This is only 1 state, nothing to get excited about for anyone.


It is only one state. I checked some national polls and giuliani is still on top, and Paul still has about 4%. Was Paul even campaigning in Iowa?

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Well this gives evidence that the national polling isn't accurate. They only call land lines of those who were registered as Republicans in previous elections, so anyone like me with just a cell phone have no say in that poll.


He did very little in Iowa but I know he has plenty of people campaigning in NH hardcore. I expect him to do much better there and in Florida.

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Can someone give me a synopsis of what Ron Paul is about from a political perspective? I see a lot of homemade signs around town for him, and see his name in people's sigs, but I've never heard him speak once.
Same soup, just reheated:



He's the "I hear this guy is different, and I want change!" ticket, 90% of his supporters don't really know all that he stands for. Most latch onto 3 or 4 good ideas, not worrying about the half dozen or so batshit crazy utterances he's made here and there. :)


To summarize, he's an isolationist. watch the ticker of thing he supports, and you say: "yeah, yeah, yeah, good, yeah, I like that, whut the fuck?, ok, yeah, wait, what? ok, good, yeah...."

I'm asking myself how much damage he can do with the stuff that I don't agree with, and if the good will outweigh it.


Either way, he beats the hell out of Rudy and huckabee, and Romney is indeed Shady. Being an honest man, you'll at least know it if he fucks things up. :cool:

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Can someone give me a synopsis of what Ron Paul is about from a political perspective? I see a lot of homemade signs around town for him, and see his name in people's sigs, but I've never heard him speak once.


Sure --




- Lower taxes

- Us out of Nafta, Cafta, and UN as they hurt our economy and sovereignty as a nation

- Us out of Iraq

- To end our overseas empire in terms of having bases all over the planet costing the country tons of $$

- Right to Bear Arms to stay intact

- To keep families with the ability to choose schooling for their kids (not have Government mandated education programs)

- Less welfare -- welfare cripples our society and gives people too easy a way out of working to better themselves & their lives

- Secure Borders, deportation of illegals, crackdown on illegal employers

- The right to privacy -- the government has lessened this right under Bush

- To stop special interests from using Eminent Domain to drive families from their homes.

- Social Security problem addressed -- specifically to get a sound monetary policy in place so that American can keep benefits the same for seniors -- the problem is government spending social security money for things besides social security.

- Health Care: * Making all medical expenses tax deductible.

* Eliminating federal regulations that discourage small businesses from providing coverage.

* Giving doctors the freedom to collectively negotiate with insurance companies and drive down the cost of medical care.

* Making every American eligible for a Health Savings Account (HSA), and removing the requirement that individuals must obtain a high-deductible insurance policy before opening an HSA.

* Reform licensure requirements so that pharmacists and nurses can perform some basic functions to increase access to care and lower costs.

- Local cities & states to decide what children are taught in school, not the federal government

- Foreign Policy -- less meddling in other countries' affairs. He wants us to have relations with everyone and trade, but not us trying to tell the world how to behave.

- Wants a strong military and defense for the country, but does not want to use it to push other countries around


In a nutshell -- less government, less world policing, secure the ports and borders, boot the illegals, bring the troops home and put an end to our overseas empire, take care of our economy here, get a stronger dollar. I'm sure there are things I forgot, but you can check out the website for all the issues and his stance on them. Overall a very good, well educated person, with great ideas for the country. I think the country needs him. People give him a very hard time in the debates despite what he's saying makes a lot of sense. Hope this helps.

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To summarize, he's an isolationist


I agree w/ most of what you said, but I think this statement is a little too strong and tend to agree w/ Chafe -- he's not an isolationist -- see below.


Isolationism is a foreign policy which combines a non-interventionist military policy and a political policy of economic nationalism (protectionism). In other words, it asserts both of the following:


1. Non-interventionism - Political rulers should avoid entangling alliances with other nations and avoid all wars not related to direct territorial self-defense.

2. Protectionism - There should be legal barriers to control trade and cultural exchange with people in other states.


I think non-interventionism is pretty close although I think he would probably go to war in a situation like WWII, but otherwise would keep us here. I think he's anything but a protectionist though as he wants to have open trade and communication with other nations.

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it sounds like he might have some good ideas, but some of his ideas are just plain stupid.... I don't agree with his education stances and pulling us out of the UN is fucking stupid



Funny you say that. An ex of mine is now a teacher, and she is a Ron Paul supporter strictly because of his stance on education.

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Mallard: you forgot dissolving the federal income tax, federal reserve, etc.


He's a Libertarian. He believes the country should be run the way our founding fathers wanted. He believes in taking care of our own people before sending billions of dollars to foreign countries for bullshit.





and our current montary system is fucked up. Have you looked at the cost of things in relation to what you make?. I know there have got to be allot of people struggling. I live with a nice buffer and I still am feeling it to an extent.



Give guns to everyone? WTF last time I checked we still had the second ammendment.

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