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People who complain and bitch...


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...you know those people who whine and bitch about whatever the situation may be, rather than just dealing with it and getting through it. It's like these people make themselves feel better by complaining about the given situation.


Hear is an example...


On two separate occasions, with two different friends, we found ourselves stranded in the middle of a lake, miles away from land in a 12' Jon Boat with a broken propeller shaft pin because we had hit something in the water, sheering the pin. On both occasions we had a cooler full of beer and basically identical situations.


On the one occasion my friend and I laughed at first and we both cracked open a beer as we tried to think of a way to fix the broken motor with the limited "tools" we had with us in the tiny boat. He quickly gave up and we started rowing. By now a few hours had gone by, the beer was gone and we were only about half way back to camp as the sun was starting to rise. The last half of the trip was nothing but him bitching and moaning as he tried to blame me for everything. Did this make the situation any better? HELL NO! It pretty much ruined the rest of our camping trip.


Situation #2, different friend, same boat and basically the same situation. First we tried to fix the motor with no luck. Then we rowed for a few hours, drank some beer as we talked about old times and just pretty much made the most of it. After the beer was gone and we were exhausted we went back to plan "A", fix the motor. We had the same "tools" as before. We found a giant hook in the tackle box and figured if we could cut it with side cutters it might work as a sheer pin for the prop. Both of us had to squeeze the side cutters at the same time and then SNAP, the hook was cut. The fish hook worked perfect and off we went, back to camp and to this day that pin is still in the motor (along with a few spares).


These examples can be applied to many different situation in life, whatever the situation may be, why bitch about it? Just deal with it!

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This was just a general example of how if you choose the right attitude it's easier to get through things and when the situation involves more than one person, taking it out on the other and complaining the whole time just gets you no where. That was my point.


We were back in some old quarries in southern Ohio that are connected by small creeks and channel ways. It was at night and we were bound to hit something. This took place almost 10 years ago BTW. Just an example.


Think of a situation that sucked at work and one of your peers was complaining about it and they did nothing but whine and bitch. What does that accomplish? NOTHING! You have to choose the right attitude and just get through it!

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