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Iran trying to attack US Ships?


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We are there, and look at what is happening with the cost of oil.
Take a wild guess what would happen to OUR price of oil, not to mention its availability to us at all, if we *weren't* there.


FYI - the price of oil is as much americans/europeans fault as it is the middle-easterners. Moreso. someone shoot Cheney.


(Oh god the FBI are probably going to raid my house now....)


We need to pull out and start using alternatives to where we get our oil...the middle east isn't the only oil-rich area in the world.

The alternatives are no better.


We need to *invent* our way out of this catch-22, infinite loop. Alternate energy source first. Nasty icky world-places withdrawal second. Do it in the opposite order and its akin to shooting ourselves in the dick.

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lmao have you heard this audio? it seriously sounds like it was out of team america. really though, no one will ever know whether this audio is fact or fiction.


this was probably a practice run for a false flag operation, or another gulf of tonkin incident :rolleyes:


or maybe an operation northwoods of the 21st century?

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You want out of the gulf? Tell our fukking government to do REAL energy research for fukks' sake.


you think we dont already have viable alternative energy sources? we can put a man on the moon but we cant figure out how to make an electric car that isnt cost prohibitive?


but with the ties that god knows how many senators and house members have ties to oil companies (as well as the president) and are getting campaign contributions ect. you think they are really going to press for alternative engery sources?

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