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Oklahoma ticketing people who drive slow in the left lane!


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it's an awesome idea, but if you looked at the specific state laws they listed, it couldn't be applied to Ohio except perhaps on the major freeways and I'm willing to bet that wouldn't even go very far before being stopped.


You would think that since we have the state with the reputation of having the toughest traffic enforcement in the country that we'd actually be able to see some postitive benefit from it (such as this)....but alas...we're just screwed

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I drive in the far right lane on 71 more than any other. It appears to me that that is the new passing lane. Ohio drivers are the worst I have ever seen about left lane drivers. I saw on the history channel on a show about the autobahn that they have a saying "drive right" It means unless your actually passing someone that you better be driving in the right lane!
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Ohio drivers are the worst I have ever seen about left lane drivers.



I used to hate Ohio driving as well. Until I drove across country to move to Utah. Ohio by far is nothing compared to this fucking idiots in Utah.



I'd have to say though that the state that follows the left lane rule the best, is Indiana.

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I drive in the far right lane on 71 more than any other. It appears to me that that is the new passing lane. Ohio drivers are the worst I have ever seen about left lane drivers. I saw on the history channel on a show about the autobahn that they have a saying "drive right" It means unless your actually passing someone that you better be driving in the right lane!


I'm pretty sure it is actually a ticketable offense in Germany if you hold up traffic in the left lane. I went there for a couple weeks back when I was in high school, and you learn real quick to stay to the right unless you are driving something that can move (we had a turbodiesel E-Class so it wasn't too bad). I've heard you can also be ticketed for running out of gas on the Autobahn, as it causes drivers in the right lane to slow down for you if you're stopped on the shoulder.


I suppose it's easy for them to learn though, when you have some autobahn cruiser coming up behind you at 180 mph, you'd damn well better get out of his way.

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I just wish they would get the f***ing trucks out of the left lane. Its such a pain when youre on 2 lanes of i-71 and a truck going 56 passes another truck going 55 and it just backs everyone up


trucks don't want to be in the left lane either, but have to because of dumb 4 wheelers. Truck drivers are not the problem its always cars

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trucks don't want to be in the left lane either, but have to because of dumb 4 wheelers. Truck drivers are not the problem its always cars


So , like today when theres a semi with nobody in front of him, and the semi behind him decides that 55 is not fast enough, he wants to go 55.50 it's a cars fault ?

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So , like today when theres a semi with nobody in front of him, and the semi behind him decides that 55 is not fast enough, he wants to go 55.50 it's a cars fault ?


seeing how the speed limit for trucks is 55 i'm not seeing your dilema

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It's got my vote. IMO, stay the hell out of the left lane unless you're going at least 72mph! Even then, keep right and make your way around folks.


I most always drive in the center lane or to the right and pass left when needed. Nothing pisses me off more than slow pokes going exactly the speed limit and holding everyone up.


Want to drive the limit to the T.....keep to the right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We need this law here. As for the trucks, most states have allowed trucks to travel the same speed as everyone else with great success and I wish it would happen here but it gets shot down every time they try it.


I'm not sure what "most states" you're referring to, but none of them are in this region.


I drive Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, Virginia, and along New England every week. In none of these states are the semi-trailer speed limits that of a regular passenger vehicle.


Some of you bleeding hearts are all about "but they're people too, they have to pass".


Fuck them. These asshole semi drivers need to stay their ass in the right lane 24/7, even if their "hoss" in front of them is doing 40mph. These assholes have NO consideration for the smaller vehicles on the road, and when they do decide they have to go 56 in a 65 to pass that "hoss" doing 55, they do it by swinging their wide ass about two feet in front of your car while you're doing 70mph. Then you spend the next five minutes reading the same "I'm a safe driver, would you like to be one too? Call Fucktard Logistics, we pay more per mile than everyone else!" on the back of the trailer along with the rocks being flipped into your windshield.


They need stricter laws governing the use and operation of these vehicles. Can they technically be "getting back" at all the years of being mis-treated by asshole drivers cutting them off and swerving past them? Sure. Do they need to be? Not a chance, because their vehicles are a helluva lot more deadly that your average sedan and they know this as well as knowing most people will back down because they'll lose the physical confrontation between vehicles.


It's good to see (at least up and down I-71) the ridiculous amount of OHP enforcement vehicles (dual red lights) nailing these fucks for their bullshit and overloaded trailers.


I hate semi-trucks and their drivers with a passion. I cannot wait until they find some other means in the future to transport goods so these dickheads are off the road.

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Semi truck drivesr can be cool. I found that if I let them in front of me to pass (slow down if they have their blinker on, flash my lights, etc) they almost always haul ass around the other trucker they're passing. This is in Indiana though. People in Ohio are just stupid.
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Semi truck drivesr can be cool. I found that if I let them in front of me to pass (slow down if they have their blinker on, flash my lights, etc) they almost always haul ass around the other trucker they're passing. This is in Indiana though. People in Ohio are just stupid.


Agree. If you give em' the old trucker signals they are usually pretty good with it.

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I'm not sure what "most states" you're referring to, but none of them are in this region.


I drive Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, Virginia, and along New England every week. In none of these states are the semi-trailer speed limits that of a regular passenger vehicle.


Some of you bleeding hearts are all about "but they're people too, they have to pass".


Fuck them. These asshole semi drivers need to stay their ass in the right lane 24/7, even if their "hoss" in front of them is doing 40mph. These assholes have NO consideration for the smaller vehicles on the road, and when they do decide they have to go 56 in a 65 to pass that "hoss" doing 55, they do it by swinging their wide ass about two feet in front of your car while you're doing 70mph. Then you spend the next five minutes reading the same "I'm a safe driver, would you like to be one too? Call Fucktard Logistics, we pay more per mile than everyone else!" on the back of the trailer along with the rocks being flipped into your windshield.


They need stricter laws governing the use and operation of these vehicles. Can they technically be "getting back" at all the years of being mis-treated by asshole drivers cutting them off and swerving past them? Sure. Do they need to be? Not a chance, because their vehicles are a helluva lot more deadly that your average sedan and they know this as well as knowing most people will back down because they'll lose the physical confrontation between vehicles.


It's good to see (at least up and down I-71) the ridiculous amount of OHP enforcement vehicles (dual red lights) nailing these fucks for their bullshit and overloaded trailers.


I hate semi-trucks and their drivers with a passion. I cannot wait until they find some other means in the future to transport goods so these dickheads are off the road.


coming from the guy who knows nothing about driving a truck and shows it. And if you are following close enough to get hit by rocks from a trailer, you are tailgating. I don't like having to follow behind a semi in the left lane but if you think that cars are more wronged by trucks than vice versa, you don't know too much of drivers on the road then.

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