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Good company for running a fiber line?


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Just wondering if anyone has personal experience with a company that could connect 2 buildings with fiber. For my senior project I'm working with a small school that has a satellite building about 200 yards from their main campus. They currently are using cable modem with VPN to connect the two so we're making suggestions for redesigning their network to eliminate cost, boost efficiencies..etc Before I hit the yellow pages I basically wanted to know if anyone had a good experience with a company they could recommend. Thx.
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if it currently works with a cable modem, why not make it a wireless point to point rather than fiber?


Thats what I was going to suggest as well. Would be a HELL of a lot cheaper than a fiber run that long. I know even small fiber patch cables arent cheap, I couldnt imagine having a company come out for a 200yr (est.) run and terminating the ends..


Even with wireless they would still have a quicker site to site connection than the cable modem vpn setup

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I have 2 uncles and a cousin that work there, they are very good at all forms of telecommunications.


However i also agree that for 200yrds there are easier/cheaper/better solutions


We're proposing the line of site wireless solution as well. We need to give them different solutions to choose from. I know the fiber is going to be expensive. Thanks for the leads guys, I do appreciate it.

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