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PC Guru Help Needed


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okay, I've noticed a drop in Hard Drive space on my PC and found the reason....I keep getting very small files that under type just show as "file" and they are named in succession....created under my C: directory. most are very small 9k, 200kb then some are much larger. what's up?




convert227, etc....


I can't tell what's causing them.


I ran a full scan with Norton and it picked up nothing. Is there a program or something that is running that could be causing this?


Have you seen this before?

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Thanks! I'm running XP SP2.


Home PC is used mainly for CR and light internet surfing. Nothing bad.


The files open in wordpad, but they are just garbage symbols.


I ran a full virus scan with Norton that supposidly also takes care of spyware, but I will try the free download mentioned.

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I would stay away from Spybot... it doesn't pick up squat.... go download Windows Defender... it's much better


Picks up quite a bit actually. I can't even count how many machines it's cleaned up at work from users going out and surfing god knows what sites.

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ive tried about every anti virus and spyware program there is.

the best thing i have found is norton internet security corporate edition. have it running on both my machines. if ya want a copy pm me you can come get it. there is no serial needed. works like a charm. updates itself and has real time virus and spyware scan

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