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NBC To Make American Version Of Top Gear Called “Gear”


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it's all going to depend on who hosts it, and you know that Clarkson won't. Since the real show has gotten so much attention here anything sub-par will immediately TANK. It'd be nice if they'd just pick up the current show, but that isn't happening either.
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it's all going to depend on who hosts it, and you know that Clarkson won't. Since the real show has gotten so much attention here anything sub-par will immediately TANK. It'd be nice if they'd just pick up the current show, but that isn't happening either.


Thinking the same thing. I'm assuming they know if it's not just right, it'll fail. I'm hoping they understand this and aren't going to try to just ride Top Gear's coattails in. I'm also hoping they don't decide to sell out to any particular manufacturers.

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I have no doubt that American TV will ruin it. Hollywood just won't get it. They'll cater to the lowest common denominator.


"This ford taurus is simply a work of engineering magic"


Clarkson will die a little bit inside with every episode, and only further his hatred for the american culture and automotive scene. :o

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"This ford taurus is simply a work of engineering magic"


Clarkson will die a little bit inside with every episode, and only further his hatred for the american culture and automotive scene. :o


lol But,

It's the Ford Mondeo now. I believe.

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I feel it will fail. I am sure they will talk about nascar and how great the drivers are plus what cars will they cover ones sold in America yeah thats real exciting every week will be about Corvettes Mustangs Camaros and the like, since basically those are the only American made cars worth talking about anyway.


It wont be funny it wont be intelligent. It will last 4 maybe 5 weeks.

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They need to do this with true car guys.


Though I would love to see Tim Allen or Leno host it, they need to get someone that isn't brand specific and can say what they want and NOT what the the manufactors want people to hear.


They def need three guys of different backgrounds like the current TOP GEAR. One knows nothing about cars(or driving), one knows a little and is probably average, and one is a know it all with British opinions....

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They need to do this with true car guys.


Though I would love to see Tim Allen or Leno host it, they need to get someone that isn't brand specific and can say what they want and NOT what the the manufactors want people to hear.


They def need three guys of different backgrounds like the current TOP GEAR. One knows nothing about cars(or driving), one knows a little and is probably average, and one is a know it all with British opinions....

Definately. They can't afford to be biased towards the manufacturers. If they can't say a crap car is crap, then it's not Top Gear.


They probably will get a woman as one of the three hosts...gotta be PC and all that. :p If they do, she better be one that knows cars. If she fills the "Capt. Slow" slot, it'll be painfully obvious she's just a token chick.


How much you wanna bet it'll be a white guy, a black guy, and a woman? Oh wait, that's American Idol. Hmmm...

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Has anyone else wondered if Top Gear is as lauded in the UK as it is here? I mean, what if it's a cultural sort of thing that's just cool to us?


"Over 350million viewers around the world."


And try not to be so negative everybody. Who knows, maybe they'll work with the original Top Gear crew, production, etc, whatever to help keep it focused. Let's just hope they have the budget and the hosts have the chemistry. Either way, it'll take some getting used to, I'm sure.

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I hope they do it right. I'd like to see a highly experienced racer, some kind of automotive journalist maybe, and possibly a collector of some type hosting though I don't know if I would like Leno though. I don't know the backgrounds of the guys on the current show but I guess it's something like that??


I'll definitely watch the pilot to see how it is.

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