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Don't get Norton! That went from a good A/V software to one of the most bloated and useless pieces of software crap out there. (I blame Semantec, they F' everything up.)


Get NOD32, or AVG, or something OTHER than Norton, McAffee, or Trend Micro. Because those three are the big anti-malware programs out there, new viruses are writted to combat them, so they will miss 80% - 90% of new malware. THis means that while other less popular anti-malware programs may catch a new virus, you have to wait for the big three to capture the virus, dissect it, and then release a fix for it.


Not to mention that they're f'n expensive.

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Funny, one of my PC's has a XP partition, and I haven't booted to it since installing Vista. My other PC's all run Vista straight...I don't miss XP at all.


But hey, it's okay being ignorant and all. Maybe you can report a post about reefers as well.


I have a machine that had Vista on it, and every single day I wanted to take a rather large hammer to it. I have since formated this menace, and installed a copy of XP. No issues anymore.


Hard to justify installing an OS that uses a gig of ram at idle.

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Hard to justify installing an OS that uses a gig of ram at idle.



screw anti virus... if you know how to use a computer it's not worth it. just use ad-aware every once in a while.


and Sturg: the newer versions of uTorrent are horrible. I would get an earlier version (can't remember one off the top of my head and at work=not going to find out, will edit later tonight). another good tracker site is torrentz.com it searches about 15 or so sites.

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Don't get Norton! That went from a good A/V software to one of the most bloated and useless pieces of software crap out there. (I blame Semantec, they F' everything up.)


Get NOD32, or AVG, or something OTHER than Norton, McAffee, or Trend Micro. Because those three are the big anti-malware programs out there, new viruses are writted to combat them, so they will miss 80% - 90% of new malware. THis means that while other less popular anti-malware programs may catch a new virus, you have to wait for the big three to capture the virus, dissect it, and then release a fix for it.


Not to mention that they're f'n expensive.


I have Mcafee, and I have never had a virus.

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Hard to justify installing an OS that uses a gig of ram at idle.

Obviously you never read about how Vista differs from XP in memory management. Superfetch, look it up.


It's retarded to leave memory open vs. using it to prefetch items until that memory space is needed for other programs.

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i havent decided on what anti-virus im going to use./ thanksn for torrenetz, i like it so far. and as far as xp v vista, im liking vista. I like the layout. one thing i didnt like was the pain in the ass it was to intagrate into our home network. pain in teh ass layered something or other.
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