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Cell Phones


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I have T-Mobile right now and it sucks. I am at school in Lima and i cant get service. I was thinking about Alltel or Version. Or who ever has the best plan that i get get the most bars. so who's the best phone company thats not going to rap me in the ass
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have sprint now and love it.

i am on the sprint sero plan

$49 a month .. 1250 min, unlimted nights and weekends, unlimted text, unlimited picture and video mail, unlimited data.. can also tether to a laptop and have unlimited usage that way as well.


$7 extra for the unlimite dprotection plan on my phone.


currently using the sprint mogul ppc 6800

love every minute of it. most useful thing i own.


no wireless provider out there can beat that rate/plan

and i have had no issue with coverage yet

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