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Sitting in networking class....

Rally Pat

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and sometimes, I honestly consider what makes some people think they belong in here. There are these two people specifically in my class that seriously shouldn't be here. One just tried to tell the professor that /19 was the number of hosts on a network.


I understand an eagerness to learn, but seriously, maybe you should look at another field.

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You have no idea how many times someone has said that in this class.


Megaman, it only gets worse. I am in SEC450 and 95% of my class freaked out yesterday cause not 1 of them could write a simple 1 line access-list cmd denying tcp traffic to one router.


Good news is these are the people you are competing against for a job.

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In my abortive attempt at college in '93, I was in a Computer Science major. Of the entire MAJOR, only 5 of us had even used a computer before. No kidding, a mandatory class was "Intro to Computers." First lab day:


Professor: "This is the DOS prompt. Go ahead and type anything. You can't hurt the computer."


Me: "Are you sure?"


Prof: "Of course. Go ahead."


Me: "Are you SURE?"


Prof: "Yes, I'm sure."


Me: "Third and last chance. Are you SURE?"


Prof: "Yes."


Me: C:\> format c:





Prof: "Oh jeeze..."



I'm so done with fixing other people's computers.. :p

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You all should thank me, I know what none of this means. Except, of course, that is in fact the ip of my router at home. I'm keeping you all employed :).


I deal with stuff that would rape your router at home. Sideways. Lubless.


I am not the best at subnetting, but there are some things that you are just supposed to know.

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Am I the only one who has no clue what the hell is going on in this thread?


I might as well be reading this: lskdhaqws;d8od7e23jqwe;qolw wsa;lkd23ioh2e 0923ueo2i3ehdq[w0sda0soks.


I'm completely fucking lost here.


I'm right there with ya. I don't even know what networking even means.

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Am I the only one who has no clue what the hell is going on in this thread?


I might as well be reading this: lskdhaqws;d8od7e23jqwe;qolw wsa;lkd23ioh2e 0923ueo2i3ehdq[w0sda0soks.


I'm completely fucking lost here.


Just more elitest geek talk. Nothing to see here, move along folks.

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I dont worry about those people. They will simply be just more Devry graduates that never make it in the job world :D

Everyone keeps saying that, but every person I have talked to that isn't on CR seems to hold DeVry in high esteem. In fact, 80% of Liebert's IT department are DeVry graduates.

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The Network Architect position my professor (who happens to be 1 level below the CTO at JP Morgan Chase) turned me onto this past Saturday starts at 135k. John you can work all the special duty time you could and be lucky to get close to that. All that and I don't have to worry about some low-life trash that doesn't want to get locked back up trying to put lead into my chest.


Devry is no different than any other university, if you don't apply yourself and learn the material you won't do shit after you graduate b/c you won't know shit. My problem with Devry is that the professors let people get away with WAAAAYYYYYY to much shit that I would have never seen at OSU. What I mean is people turning in homework weeks late for full credit, open book tests, take home exams....the list goes on. When I got accepted to the Schoool of Architecture at OSU I would have been embarrassed and asked to leave if I didn't come to class prepared (I learned this the hard way very early). The policies need tightened up but if you've got the work ethic you'll come out ready.

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