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Investing in stocks


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Honestly, I wouldn't buy it. The reorganization process can take a very long time, and in the end they could just dissolve the stock and start a new IPO. That's why it's so risky to buy a company in Chapter 11. Look at Delphi. Look at Ford.


There are so many undervalued stocks out there right now that you should/could be putting your money into.

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Honestly, I wouldn't buy it. The reorganization process can take a very long time, and in the end they could just dissolve the stock and start a new IPO. That's why it's so risky to buy a company in Chapter 11. Look at Delphi. Look at Ford.


There are so many undervalued stocks out there right now that you should/could be putting your money into.


It's $100 and I know the company and industry. I put my money into it because I feel it'll be worth it, it may just take awhile.

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It's $100 and I know the company and industry. I put my money into it because I feel it'll be worth it, it may just take awhile.


I can think of a lot of worse things to invest $100 in, can you legally call it risk with only $100? Best case 6k, worst -100 dollars. :cool:

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I looked at the info on scottrade. It looks like a company in failure. Of course if you happen to know that someone is buying it or possibly buying it you could be ahead of the game. Its a very cheap stock and playing "darts" with $100 isn't a bad idea if you can afford it.


As an FYI Budweiser is down below $50 per share again. Lots of people expect it to soar past $60 per share and stay there for awhile once its bought by some other company in the next couple months. I picked up a couple hundred shares. At a loss at the moment, but good ole BUD don't fail to often. I'll probably sell in a few months or if I feel like it maybe I'll just take some quick gains and get back in on more bad market news:-)



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I have quite a bit in BUD aswell. They seem to be the strongest stock I have ATM through this down time. HET (Harrahs) just went private on Monday so I got 90$ per share which is OK I hoped for a much higher premium but oh well. I just reinvested that money I got into HBAN (Huntington) I have a feeling someone is going to buy them up and take it private within a year or 2.
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