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I don't know if anyone has been watching but a group named anonymous has waged a digital war again scientology. They have released internal docs that are plan frieghtning.


whats even more scary as much as I crisized christians for what i consider inaccurate beliefs scientology beliefs are absurd.




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I "dated" a girl who grew up in scientology but got out. It's a cult plain and simple. The shit she told me was just crazy. Her parents joined when they were in their 20's so she never hard a choice in the matter. Lucky for her her sisters got out one by one. Last I heard her youngest sister, who is 21, just got out a few months ago.
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This is not new news, but how are any of their beliefs much different or believable than Christians? Moses really parted the red sea so his people could escape? I mean come on have an open mind if you are religious. I don't agree with pretty any religion, and that is my right, so is theirs to worship an alien race and a Best Selling book author. Thorne if you are a real Christian, it is not for you to judge others or their beliefs.


There are plenty of "wacko" things in the bible also:\

Sodom and Gamora (SP)

Adam and Eve

6 days of creation

Moses and the ten commandments, his parting of the red sea, the biblical flood and the Arc.

The list can go on.

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This is not new news, but how are any of their beliefs much different or believable than Christians? Moses really parted the red sea so his people could escape? I mean come on have an open mind if you are religious. I don't agree with pretty any religion, and that is my right, so is theirs to worship an alien race and a Best Selling book author. Thorne if you are a real Christian, it is not for you to judge others or their beliefs.


I never got into their real beliefs with Natasha, moreso their overall structure. Think of a corporate environment + rigid militaristic (is that even a word?) code of conduct x 24/7 observation = Scientology's structure.


One VERY important thing to note is that most of these hollywood stars who talk about scientology aren't really scientologist, they're just observing the belief system technically. In fact alot of them can actually pay to have their status within Scientology upgraded. There is some sort of leveled grading system they go by and each level has a price. Bet you didnt know that John Travolta's status is so high... HE CAN READ MINDS! Scientology is very minimalist, when you join you literally give them all of your money. Nothing is yours. You work hard labor day in and day out and get paid next-to nothing. This is where the corporate philosophy comes in. Its almost run like a business. You can climb the corporate latter and make it to supervisor and some other sort of managerial position just like any other company. If you get into trouble you are of course put on some sort of probation and while on that you have to PAY to take classes to get better. Whats even worse is they go through a monthly review of sorts in which they strap you to a machine that they believe can tell if your lying or not. No this machine is not a lie detector in the sense your thinking of, its just a machine that they BELIEVE can tell lies. And they ask you if you've been bad, sinned, etc... and if you say yes/no and they think your lying. Your screwed. Whats more is when Natasha left, she supposably owed them money or had some sort of balance with them because she didnt complete her training. So for weeks afterwards they would call her at all hours telling her she needed to come back and pay them, she simply told them to fuck off. Technically they are considered a non-profit religious organization so its not like it will go on her credit report or anything. Trust me, theres a TON of shit Im forgetting but this cult is NOTHING like any sort of organized religion I've ever seen or heard of.

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This is not new news, but how are any of their beliefs much different or believable than Christians? Moses really parted the red sea so his people could escape? I mean come on have an open mind if you are religious. I don't agree with pretty any religion, and that is my right, so is theirs to worship an alien race and a Best Selling book author. Thorne if you are a real Christian, it is not for you to judge others or their beliefs.


There are plenty of "wacko" things in the bible also:\

Sodom and Gamora (SP)

Adam and Eve

6 days of creation

Moses and the ten commandments, his parting of the red sea, the biblical flood and the Arc.

The list can go on.


Sorry, with my long rant above I forgot to write a decent reply to your comments. My point is that Scientology should not be considered a religion, it should be considered a cult. To me a religion is basically a belief system, whereas scientology is largely exsisting as a tax free business franchise of sorts. Its twisted. Yes every religion has their 'wacko' stories but most are centered around one omnipitent being (ie, god) being the all powerful ruler and general OG. Where the grey area comes is when members of an organization can pay a monetary sum to gain powers of said god. Thats where the Bullshit meter pegs out.


Disclaimer: I have nothing against people who practice Scientology. Just strong opinions on how its operated.

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Yes but this surprises you? What will become of this attack? Will it destroy the"church of Scientology"? No people die for beliefs, and will defend Scientology any way they can if they buy into it hook line a sinker. So far hackers have done really nothing, these people will say "so what this is what I believe." It certainly will not change what others think about them, most think they are crazy already, right? SO now you think they are even more crazy, cool, what now? Ban Scientology, destroy the constitution? Whatever.
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Sorry, with my long rant above I forgot to write a decent reply to your comments. My point is that Scientology should not be considered a religion, it should be considered a cult. To me a religion is basically a belief system, whereas scientology is largely exsisting as a tax free business franchise of sorts. Its twisted. Yes every religion has their 'wacko' stories but most are centered around one omnipitent being (ie, god) being the all powerful ruler and general OG. Where the grey area comes is when members of an organization can pay a monetary sum to gain powers of said god. Thats where the Bullshit meter pegs out.


Disclaimer: I have nothing against people who practice Scientology. Just strong opinions on how its operated.



All religion is a from of cult or "control".

Oh and the catholic church has no monetary system either right? How about wealthy Televangelists, that are very wealthy off of donations. People pay to be closer to god all the time.

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I just want to go on record that I don't like religion at all, but I have no problem if you wish to believe. That is your right, you could worship an "ant" if you want. It is your right and who am I to say you are wrong. Mind your own business and and we would be happier Human Beings.


Edit, Oh snap a unintentional triple. :o

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All religion is a from of cult or "control".

Oh and the catholic church has no monetary system either right? How about wealthy Televangelists, that are very wealthy off of donations. People pay to be closer to god all the time.


True, you definitly make a good point. I cant defend all religion's the only thing I can do is talk from the experience I've had and that was in a church in which tithes and offering's were taken at will. There is a verse in the bible that quotes the "10% rule" but I forget what it is, other than that give as your feel you need to to support the house you attend, that has always been my outlook on it. Come to think of it, Scientology does have alot in common with heavily organized religion. The need to control and to obey, it just takes it to another scary level.


I agree with your conclusion on "religion" in the traditional sense. I've always thought that the relationship you carry on with god (or whomever you believe in) is the most important aspect. Above all else. But to each his own.

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You fail.....


Why don't you tell me where that is in the bible?



Matthew 7 (New International Version)


1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

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Matthew 7 (New International Version)


1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


Do yo even know what that is talking about? I would assume you don't since you are misquoting it. I asked you the loaded question because I knew what you would try to use.


That verse is referring to judging others salvation not the actions of others. the basic principles of the bible are not to judge the salvation status of people. We are to judge the sin, and false doctrine and correct others that are lead astray.


If you guys are going to start saying "the bible says.....", please read it first and understand what it is talking about. Remember the law of Analogy of Scripture. This is a basic bible interpretation rule that states you dont base a doctrine on one verse, it must be used in comparison to other verses before and after, also compared to the chapter and the entire book the verse comes from.


What both of you are doing is just like a "sound bite" that is taken out of context.

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Do yo even know what that is talking about? I would assume you don't since you are misquoting it. I asked you the loaded question because I knew what you would try to use.


That verse is referring to judging others salvation not the actions of others. the basic principles of the bible are not to judge the salvation status of people. We are to judge the sin, and false doctrine and correct others that are lead astray.


If you guys are going to start saying "the bible says.....", please read it first and understand what it is talking about. Remember the law of Analogy of Scripture. This is a basic bible interpretation rule that states you dont base a doctrine on one verse, it must be used in comparison to other verses before and after, also compared to the chapter and the entire book the verse comes from.


What both of you are doing is just like a "sound bite" that is taken out of context.


that's your interpitation.

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