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The only difference between a cult and a religion is how long it as been around.


The stuff that Scientologists believe in is kind of strange and isn't based on much. Then again most of the religious stuff in the world is based on facts. Things like food restrictions (Jewish people not eating pork, Fish on Friday, etc...) are based on observations like poorly prepared pork will make you very sick. Some of these things stuck around as gospel.


I am not the most bible thumping christian out there but many of the beliefs follow a moral code I can agree with. Some of the stuff seems like stories to captivate uneducated masses, some of it seems quite plausible.


actually Scientology is based upon a science fiction book

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You are using corrupt text. Go get a King James. The new versions have Change so many of the verses they are not Gods word.



Dude, you do realize WHY it's called the King James Bible, right? It's because King James AUTHORIZED it's translation under the condition that it was edited, in some places even outright CHANGED, to support the authority of the Church of England. Talk about corrupt text.

To rebuke is to call out false doctrine.



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actually Scientology is based upon a science fiction book

Actually, it's not. It's quite the other way around...


Scientology is a result of a bet between L. Ron Hubbard, Robert A. Heinlein, and Isaac Asimov.

As related by both RAH and Asimov, they each agreed to pay $10 to the one who could found a completely new, stable, religion.

RAH addressed religion briefly in many of his books(usually in tones of great scorn and derision), and Asimov addressed it in the form of psychometrics in almost all of his robot and Foundation books. Neither took it any further than that.


L. Ron Hubbard, however, was struck by the idea, and addressed it by creating Dianetics, which later, after his death, was organized into the Church of Scientology.


It is unknown either RAH or Asimov paid up, and will remain that way, seeing as how all three are long dead...

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i dont agree with the religion being discussed at hand either but im not personally attacking anybody, not that evolution makes any more sense than this


Evolution is scientific fact. It make perfect sense to me. But then again I live in the real world. It must suck trying to make mythology (religion) real, and believe in it with all your heart when you know deep down it's just a facade.

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Evolution is scientific fact. It make perfect sense to me. But then again I live in the real world. It must suck trying to make mythology (religion) real, and believe in it with all your heart when you know deep down it's just a facade.

actually evolution is a theory

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If evolution was a fact I would expect fruit flies to have evolved into something that lives more than 24 hours or three toed sloths grow a few more digits.



you do relize evolution has been tested and almost all modern biology is based on it.

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