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Whats funny to me is that I figured more people would relize how big of a deal this is. a Group of rag tag people from various online forums WAGED WAR on Scientology. With things like TOR and trunk lines and geeks you have the abilities as a collective to bring an entire orgnaztion to its knees for communications.


All of there reated super secret ot's have been leaked. You better bet scientology is doing there best to try and get out of this. What they can't seems to figure out is that a DDOS is the by far most diffcult attack there is.


Even there fax machines and shit are fucked. phone lines. WOW

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Friends, ebaums, Countrymen, lend me your ears. This is why we fight.





Gentlemen, This is what I have been waiting for. Habbo, Fox, The G4 Newfag Flood crisis. Those were all training scenarios. This is what we have been waiting for. This is a battle for justice. Every time ebaums has gone to war, it has been for our own causes. Now, gentlemen, we are going to fight for something that is right. I say damn those of us who advise against this fight. I say damn those of us who say this is foolish. The time has come not for us to not only rise as heroes of the internets, but as its guardians.


With the leakage of 'The Church of Scientology's' latest propaganda video into mainstream circulation, the extent of Scientology's malign influence over those who come to trust them as leaders has been made clear to us. Anonymous has therefore decided that this organization should be destroyed. For the good of their followers, for the good of mankind and for our own enjoyment, we shall proceed to expel them from the Internet and systematically dismantle the Church of Scientology in its present form. We recognize the 'church' as serious opponents, and do not expect our campaign to be completed in a short time-frame. However, they will not prevail forever against the angry masses of the body politic. Their choice of methods, hypocrisy and the general artlessness of their organization have sounded their death knell. Scientolgy have nowhere to hide, because we are everywhere. Scientolgy will find no recourse in attack, because for each of us that falls, ten more will take his place.


Scientolgy, we are waging war against you. A war unlike any war we have experienced before. A war that shall not only be known for one against faggotry but for one against uberfaggotry. A war that shall make you think twice before interfering with the tubes. A war that shall leave the name anonymous charred with respect and glory. A war that perhaps one day will be remembered as the greatest thing we have ever done.


We call everyone from the internet. Let the differences between us be ignored as we fight against a common enemy. And as we have epic lulz too.


Knowledge is free.


We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We are Ebaums.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

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You are using corrupt text. Go get a King James. The new versions have Change so many of the verses they are not Gods word.




Because, you know.... the King James VERSION is 100% correct and accurate to the ORIGINAL texts.





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The only difference between a cult and a religion is how long it as been around.


The stuff that Scientologists believe in is kind of strange and isn't based on much. Then again most of the religious stuff in the world is based on facts. Things like food restrictions (Jewish people not eating pork, Fish on Friday, etc...) are based on observations like poorly prepared pork will make you very sick. Some of these things stuck around as gospel.


I am not the most bible thumping christian out there but many of the beliefs follow a moral code I can agree with. Some of the stuff seems like stories to captivate uneducated masses, some of it seems quite plausible.

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I'm not against there belief go talk to freezoners. I'm against there evil corpartion that has caused deaths and more.



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