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Damn Razor Phone


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If you return your phone under WARRANTY 3 times each with in a month of receiving it, you will be eligible for a free upgraded version of your phone, or you can pay the difference of a phone of your choice.


I have gone through 5 phones, the lgvx8600 3 times, and I'm on my second 8700 which was upgraded for free. This is all in under a year. Just be sure you have warranty on your phone. And if you have to, use an excuse that it randomly turns off on you. Remember, when you are at corporate offices, start bitching, ask for the manager, and then bitch some more. Bitching always gets you what you want, especially if you threaten to talk to anyone higher than the manager at a STORE.


Ask if you can purchase an extended warranty for 2 dollars, or, use insurance. It's 5 dollars a month, just break it 3 or for times and you are good.


I laugh at people like you everyday trying to get over on us. Thanks to people that lie we have taken away options like this because people abuse them. When anyone on here is forced to keep the same phone or has to go to a store to verify damage its because of people like that. We want to help but people post things like this on forums all over the place and we lose so much revenue that we have to stop helping people. FYI the more you complain and lie the more your account is noted. The more exceptions we make the less you get in the future. Then when you make a mistake and have a $500 bill we can't help you. That's about the time you say we are horable and won't help. If your phone is really broke its cool... but don't think we can't tell when you are lying.


Martelle, shoot me your number and Ill help you out.

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If you return your phone under WARRANTY 3 times each with in a month of receiving it, you will be eligible for a free upgraded version of your phone, or you can pay the difference of a phone of your choice.


I have gone through 5 phones, the lgvx8600 3 times, and I'm on my second 8700 which was upgraded for free. This is all in under a year. Just be sure you have warranty on your phone. And if you have to, use an excuse that it randomly turns off on you. Remember, when you are at corporate offices, start bitching, ask for the manager, and then bitch some more. Bitching always gets you what you want, especially if you threaten to talk to anyone higher than the manager at a STORE.


Ask if you can purchase an extended warranty for 2 dollars, or, use insurance. It's 5 dollars a month, just break it 3 or for times and you are good.


I don't bitch to get free stuff I only bitch. moan and complain when I asked for something and didn't get it. My first razor worked fine for the first year with no problems this one I've only had a few months. I have no complaints about Verizon now I get service every where I go and thats what matters most to ME. I could really give to shits about what the phone can do and I wish they still made the LG VX3100 I had that phone for 2 years before I dropped it and the battery busted off.


Brian I sent you a PM. Thanks Again

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i started with verizon last year with a lg 8300 loved it wore all the numbers off the pad broke the case speakers quit but the phone kept on working. ( i am VERY rough and use the hell out of my phones) bought a razor as a temp phone hated it within 2 hours of activating it. found another lg 8300 and had it activated and am in love again. motorola phones suck, 8 years of nextel motorola crap and nothing has changed motorola phones still sucks big monkey nuts. go with a lg phone you will love them
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I've had no real problems with my Razr or my wifes. I did take it in for the firmware update and really didn't enjoy signing that waiver that states "IF WE BREAK YOUR PHONE YOU GET TO PAY UP $70." Thats the first I've ever heard of something that stupid before and if I tried that with my customers I'd get the boot.

Of course every time I take a phone in to verizon for any updates or anything I always end up with a battery that won't hold a charge for more than 2 hours afterwards. I wonder if its a side effect of something they do in the shop? Its happend on 2 company phones and my personal phone now.



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i started with verizon last year with a lg 8300 loved it wore all the numbers off the pad broke the case speakers quit but the phone kept on working. ( i am VERY rough and use the hell out of my phones) bought a razor as a temp phone hated it within 2 hours of activating it. found another lg 8300 and had it activated and am in love again. motorola phones suck, 8 years of nextel motorola crap and nothing has changed motorola phones still sucks big monkey nuts. go with a lg phone you will love them


Except the Chocolate, which is total Fail.

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i started with verizon last year with a lg 8300 loved it wore all the numbers off the pad broke the case speakers quit but the phone kept on working. ( i am VERY rough and use the hell out of my phones) bought a razor as a temp phone hated it within 2 hours of activating it. found another lg 8300 and had it activated and am in love again. motorola phones suck, 8 years of nextel motorola crap and nothing has changed motorola phones still sucks big monkey nuts. go with a lg phone you will love them


Shit Rolla I will call you tomorrow I just got back from vacation I still have the 2 phones

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I laugh at people like you everyday trying to get over on us. Thanks to people that lie we have taken away options like this because people abuse them. When anyone on here is forced to keep the same phone or has to go to a store to verify damage its because of people like that. We want to help but people post things like this on forums all over the place and we lose so much revenue that we have to stop helping people. FYI the more you complain and lie the more your account is noted. The more exceptions we make the less you get in the future. Then when you make a mistake and have a $500 bill we can't help you. That's about the time you say we are horable and won't help. If your phone is really broke its cool... but don't think we can't tell when you are lying.


Martelle, shoot me your number and Ill help you out.


I dont do it to get new phones, I'm just saying, I dont like it when my phone fucks up after a month as the OP's. Go in and bitch and you will get what you want. I will agree that I'm extremely satisfied with my Verizon Customer Service, with the exception that I get used phones when mine gets fucked up. I just got a phone filled with millions of numbers that are not mine. And now it is fucking up on me. You would save money if you did it right the first time and just gave me something that would work for quite sometime.

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