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Something that pisses me off...

V8 Beast

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When my wife and I moved to Ohio 5 years ago, we rented a crappy apartment down by Rickenbacker for $500/month while I worked in Worthington and she did an at home medical billing course. When our 1 year lease was up, we (the wife and I, my son then 4, and my daughter 1) moved into our first house in Gahanna. My wife finished her correspondence course, and got a job doing medical billing for Mt. Carmel East. We were both working full time, my son was in pre-school, and both of my kids were in day-care all afternoon. When my wife's one year anniversary with Mt. Carmel came up and they told her she was getting a 13 cent/hour raise, we had to sit down and re-evaluate our situation. Once we ran the numbers, we found that with two kids going to the day care, in one year, we paid the day-care $139 more than she brought home after taxes for the year. We've been a single income household since. Eventually, my wife will go back to work I'm sure, but only during school hours. This also will allow her to work at what she really enjoys while the kids are in school as opposed to working to make payments on stuff we don't really need and can't afford.
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I agree this can absolutly be done. It will take some work to find such cheap living but i know of a few select places in dublin where a 2bedrom 2bath can be had for under 600/month. But food for more than 1 person at 100$/month? Not sure about that. I grocery shop regularly and always brown bag it and I still pay an average of 50/week. However I dont cut coupons or shop at Aldi so Im sure there is room for improvement.


Eat at your parents house twice a week and always take food home with you ;)

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When my wife and I moved to Ohio 5 years ago, we rented a crappy apartment down by Rickenbacker for $500/month while I worked in Worthington and she did an at home medical billing course. When our 1 year lease was up, we (the wife and I, my son then 4, and my daughter 1) moved into our first house in Gahanna. My wife finished her correspondence course, and got a job doing medical billing for Mt. Carmel East. We were both working full time, my son was in pre-school, and both of my kids were in day-care all afternoon. When my wife's one year anniversary with Mt. Carmel came up and they told her she was getting a 13 cent/hour raise, we had to sit down and re-evaluate our situation. Once we ran the numbers, we found that with two kids going to the day care, in one year, we paid the day-care $139 more than she brought home after taxes for the year. We've been a single income household since. Eventually, my wife will go back to work I'm sure, but only during school hours. This also will allow her to work at what she really enjoys while the kids are in school as opposed to working to make payments on stuff we don't really need and can't afford.


Yep. Wife quit working years ago because she wasn't making/bringing in more than daycare. F' that.. I told her to stay home.


Now the kids are in school just about all day and she finally got back into working just to help things out around here.

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The Compass School gets about $2,100 or more per month from us :(


Groceries......we easily spend $700-$800 mo. on food and misc. other items from Kroger and Sam's Club.


Two Adults, two kids and two dogs.


Unless you are having family or friend watch your kids. (Pretty sure you have 3) The cost of childcare is rediculous you are probally spending half my monthly salary on childcare alone.
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I pay more than that now a week ($240) to have someone come to my house for 4 hrs a day.


See, I actually feel bad for parents put in this position in which they HAVE to use childcare. It seems like a total con, the childcare companies open these places and charge outrageous amount's because they know parents have to pay it. Then they pay the teachers running these places like 9$/hour. Cant blame anyone for trying to make money but it sucks when there are no other likely options for parents than to pay 250$/week just so they can work.

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Its more expensive, but people also make more.


NOT entirely so. Gasoline has more than doubled in the last few years. Natural Gas has increased dramatically as well. A 3% increase per year (a good average across the board) does NOT keep up with these things.


The added fuel costs trickle down to us from the companies that ship our products.


I DO agree though. As a society, we DO live outside our means. Hell, or Gov't does it like it's their job!


We are lucky on the childcare front, my Sister-in-Law is our Babysitter. She charges very little, and it helps out. She by no way gets from us what she deserves though. :( We are trying to correct that.....



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personally, my wife will always work. to me 2 incomes are necessary in todays world. especially in this area. and especially with kids. my mother keeps asking me when im having kids. i told her when my household income is 160k a year.


i dont want to have to skimp on anything for a child. and i really dont want having a kid to hamper my spending habbits either. yes i guess i am selfish about this. but i hell there are alot of people out there having kids that cannot afford to. and that right there is what makes this country a shit hole.


they cant provide for there kids. there kids end up growing up in lower income areas, IE. the ghetto. these kids will get bad habbits just like there parents. the chances of them being deviants is alot higher.


and i guess at the end of the day.. the discussion comes to this...


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my advice is not to wait too long. You're still quite young being in your mid 20's so you have time, but don't miss out on the fun. there's no perfect time and income wise, the money will come and go no matter what you make or what you do. the joy and experiences of kids is priceless. believe me, no matter what you make or spend on the kids, they will fit in and it will work out to your desired level of income at the time.


also believe me when I say no matter what your household income is, you will always want more and set a new bar. I remember when $48k year was HUGE and our goal. Then $75k,then $100k, etc....it doesn't stop so don't let it be the deciding factor.


the upside for you having them now is you'll be having them when times are generally tough (relatively speaking over the past decade)....and if you're optimistic, can only get better. Point being, do it while you can and if times are tough, think how cool it will be when they aren't.



personally, my wife will always work. to me 2 incomes are necessary in todays world. especially in this area. and especially with kids. my mother keeps asking me when im having kids. i told her when my household income is 160k a year.
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Both parents HAVE to work these days to afford to pay for their spoiled teenage or twentysomething bills, because THEY don't work. Thats why we see a bunch of punks on the road (and on this board) driving around Z06s, GTOs, STIs, EVOs, ect... which they have no means to pay for anything they "have".
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I have to agree Brian. Ashley spends more time with the kids at La Petite than their parents do. Hell, one of the kids jumps out of her mom's arms and runs to Ashley. It's sad, these people drop their kids off at 6:30 and don't pick them up til 6:00. These kids must spend very little time with their parents.
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See, I actually feel bad for parents put in this position in which they HAVE to use childcare. It seems like a total con, the childcare companies open these places and charge outrageous amount's because they know parents have to pay it. Then they pay the teachers running these places like 9$/hour. Cant blame anyone for trying to make money but it sucks when there are no other likely options for parents than to pay 250$/week just so they can work.

Lol, it's funny you think these surrogate parents actually get paid that much. It normally starts around $8 then moves up very slowly.

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Both parents HAVE to work these days to afford to pay for their spoiled teenage or twentysomething bills, because THEY don't work. Thats why we see a bunch of punks on the road (and on this board) driving around Z06s, GTOs, STIs, EVOs, ect... which they have no means to pay for anything they "have".

You can't blame the kids for the parents choices.


Triple winning posts for me.

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Lol, it's funny you think these surrogate parents actually get paid that much. It normally starts around $8 then moves up very slowly.


Ha, only reason i say that is because my sister in law just graduated from Wright state with a degree in early childhood education (K-3rd grade I believe) she couldn't find a job anywhere to be a teacher, her only option was this place and she was constantly bitching about it. Luckily my brother makes enough and they dont have any kids so its not like they were in THAT tight of a bind. Hell she's been looking for work for the past year and all she can find is substitute teaching gigs. She's a long term sub now and works her ass off but at least it pays more than the daycare did.

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Both parents HAVE to work these days to afford to pay for their spoiled teenage or twentysomething bills, because THEY don't work. Thats why we see a bunch of punks on the road (and on this board) driving around Z06s, GTOs, STIs, EVOs, ect... which they have no means to pay for anything they "have".


I agree with Hal. It is just as much the parents fault as the children's to think they actually deserve to have such luxuries without actually paying for them. My parents made me buy my first car and I'll do the same to my kids.... if I ever have kids.

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I see it a bit differently.....as someone who had their first car purchased for them, is that I resepected and valued what I had like it was my best friend....and my car was very much my good friend. I was very greatful and was 110% careful and greatful not to break the trust my father put in me by buying me a car....and not an expensive mind you, but quite nice.


He helped me modify it and have fun vs my cousins who had to drive a POS and work hard just to repair it and pay for insurance and gas and then were bitter and jealous. They are same guys who went away to college and trashed apartments because they felt it was a chance to get away and do as they finally wanted. Whereas I was again greatful to have what I did and always respected my own stuff and others property too.


It goes both ways....but all boils down to the values we instill in our kids. My son is almost 5yrs and wants everythign, but also understands the concept of money. Some may disagree, but we instill this understanding now as I don't feel it's ever too early to, within reason, understand parts of the real world.


I have a little kitty fund that is $100mo per kid just for their cars when they get old enough. He's up to about $6k in his thanks to a bit of extras I tossed in. However, if he's 16 and shows the maturity, he'll get a good safe, fun but not over the top car to enjoy through college.



I agree with Hal. It is just as much the parents fault as the children's to think they actually deserve to have such luxuries without actually paying for them. My parents made me buy my first car and I'll do the same to my kids.... if I ever have kids.
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I wouldn't say jerk.....I'd say perhaps less than 100% financially wise....but not a jerk.


Fact is that a lot do require two incomes....but it's the ones that point fingers at not having enough that are the jerks. anything is possible.....don't make enough on one income....then go change that situation vs accpeting it and blaming others.


I for one will never live on two incomes. We save hers and live on mine...and in my case, more my base vs commissions. Goal = retire way earlier than most everyone we know. No plan, no goal, accepting what you have as fact....that's dumb and those are typically the jerks.


I guess I will say this again like I always have.


If you need 2 incomes to pay for your family/life then you shouldn't have a kid(s). If you think otherwise you are a jerk.

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A) it can be done

B) it does not have to be the mother - this is the only area I disagree with your statement


It just so happens in my household I am the breadwinner but in other families the wife maybe the breadwinner and in that case the husband can stay home (and wear the vagina - just kidding). We just made a decision that 1 parent has to be home with the kids. Both of our families insisted it could not be done - none of them made it on one income. We have worked it out and now that the kids are into school full time my wife is working on a career to call her own. You can find her on the corner of Broad and High.

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I have to agree Brian. Ashley spends more time with the kids at La Petite than their parents do. Hell, one of the kids jumps out of her mom's arms and runs to Ashley. It's sad, these people drop their kids off at 6:30 and don't pick them up til 6:00. These kids must spend very little time with their parents.


just because a child runs to your g/f doesn't mean anything. My boys are the same way when we go to Easter seals for there speech Theropy. They are just excited to see there teachers and they only spend a little over 2 hrs a day with them 4 days a week. It is sad that the parents have to drop a child off for 12 hrs at a daycare but what if they are a single parent and are the primary income for that household I agree it would be better for any child to have more interaction with a parent but at the same time the time they do spend at daycare/pre-school or whereever it is they go will also help build socal and bacis interpersonal skills that some kids don't get till they start Kindergarden. daycare has its goods and bads there is no way around it.

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I wouldn't say jerk.....I'd say perhaps less than 100% financially wise....but not a jerk.


Fact is that a lot do require two incomes....but it's the ones that point fingers at not having enough that are the jerks. anything is possible.....don't make enough on one income....then go change that situation vs accpeting it and blaming others.


I for one will never live on two incomes. We save hers and live on mine...and in my case, more my base vs commissions. Goal = retire way earlier than most everyone we know. No plan, no goal, accepting what you have as fact....that's dumb and those are typically the jerks.


I would love to be able to do that but at this point in my life there is no way possible for that to happen. Maybe when the boys get into school things will be a little better for us.

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The whole problem with having kids is the unexpected, surgery, diseases, etc. I did not mean to say you can't raise a kid from 1 income. What I meant is if you are struggling with yourself and your partner on 2 incomes having a child is not the correct thing to do.


You could change your lifestyle, sell everything, get a smaller house and so on. But wouldn't you rather give your child something more then just barely making it? Then what are you going to do if something unexpected happens? It is just not worth it in my opinion. If you think otherwise I just feel you are selfish.


I don't know... maybe I would want to give more to a future child if I had one then most parents...


I wouldn't say jerk.....I'd say perhaps less than 100% financially wise....but not a jerk.


Fact is that a lot do require two incomes....but it's the ones that point fingers at not having enough that are the jerks. anything is possible.....don't make enough on one income....then go change that situation vs accpeting it and blaming others.


I for one will never live on two incomes. We save hers and live on mine...and in my case, more my base vs commissions. Goal = retire way earlier than most everyone we know. No plan, no goal, accepting what you have as fact....that's dumb and those are typically the jerks.

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