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The Guys Guide to Great Grub

Otis Nice

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Hey everyone!! I'm sending this to you because you are all people who know me well. And what is it that I love more than anything other than my family and football?


That's right - FOOD!!


So, I've decided to take the jump into the blog-o-sphere and fill in a gap in the local food community. Let me be the first to proudly introduce you all to The Guy's Guide to Great Grub.




PLEASE be sure to check it out, and get active with me here! Also, be sure to tell all your friends about it, and get them active as well. I'll be posting at least one review of a local dining establishment each week. Sometimes on the high end, sometimes on the low end, but absolutley NO national "chain" type restaurants.


If there is someplace you'd like to see reviewed, please let me know that as well.


Thanks again, and GOOD EATING!!


Not mine, but someone I know. Didn't know if anyone here would find it useful, but since there were threads like "Best italin joint in Columbus?", I thought this could be useful.

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