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So, my nephew's 6th birthday is next week. My mom agreed to buy the kids (ages 4, 6 and 13) a wii for their combined birthday's this year. Only downside is.... neither my mom or my sister can find one anywhere in Columbus or Cinci (where my sister lives). This is an excellent opportunity to put my name on a kick ass present for my brats without draining my wallet and will be all the more easier to keep the title of B.U.E. at the same time.


So, if ANYONE knows ANYTHING of where I can find a Wii, it would be awesome if you could help out. Thanks for any help you can give.

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Ummm... sweet?


You didnt say if you were selling it or not so should I just assume your rubbing it in? ;)


Nah was just wondering if you'd be interested in one that was modded, if you are shoot me a PM. Not rubbing it in one bit.

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