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when it is snowy and slick


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It was a Pacifica, he was going way to fucking fast as the entire front end looks like it blew up... School bus, no seatbelts, and kids don't sit in the seats properly (i know i never did)


He T boned the school bus, and spun the bus in a 180, the bus was probably 30 feet away from the impact, so it got hit pretty hard.


I don't think any of the kids had major injures, I know a few girls where crying as the came out, and one girl was complaining of a hurt leg, not sure if it was broken or not. the guy was really bloody and was flown out on the helicopter, he had to be cut out of the car.


Every kid on the bus had to go to the ER though, because they where all minnors.

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I still can't get over how people drive in this area. When the weather's bad, it's either too slow or too fast. Usually the latter. Last night after I got home, my entire road was ice, there was some dumbass flying down it at like 55 MPH. It's a 45 MPH road. That's not normally a problem, but I stepped out into the road and almost fell. WTF were they going to do when they had to stop? And people tailgaiting me on the way home from the gym last night. There is no way they were going to avoid hitting me if I started to brake suddenly. :mad:


Between anyone who's driving too fast, the tailgaters, or the jackasses in the SUV/4x4 that think because they have that 4WD/AWD they can drive as fast as they want on any surface... :rolleyes:

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I didn't experience any icy roads on the way to school on 315S, just a very icey apartment complex lot, I almost hit a car just driving across the lot around a corner and started sliding and got lucky and got some traction just idling my car at 10mph or slower to warm it up.
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What I can't believe is some people spin out, hit the wall (rear of their car) then proceed to sit and wait for the ticket. If I didn't hit anyone else I never hang around if I can get the car to move. I've hit the ditch plenty of times in the corolla and when I'm in on of the 4x4's I don't usually even slow down I just get to where I"m going and worry about the damage later.



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