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Here is how it's done!


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It all depends on what you are accustomed to- if you typically do flat bench with a bar and go to dumbells you better cut the weight huge or you are going to hurt yourself- if you go from dumbells to bar you will be able to lift more. Not as much balance and secondary muscles involved in the bar. This is why you see some of the more advanced weight lifters lift their legs off of the bench into the air while they are doing flat bench with a bar.



Sorry but that statement was very far from correct....No advanced lifter should ever lift there legs in the air. Unless its a BB they are not the most intellegent life forms!!!

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It all depends on what you are accustomed to- if you typically do flat bench with a bar and go to dumbells you better cut the weight huge or you are going to hurt yourself- if you go from dumbells to bar you will be able to lift more. Not as much balance and secondary muscles involved in the bar. This is why you see some of the more advanced weight lifters lift their legs off of the bench into the air while they are doing flat bench with a bar.


I lift my legs off the floor when doing chest (e.g., flyes, bench) to better isolate my chest and not be inclined to "cheat" as much by using my legs to arch my back. Of course, this could be the wholly wrong way to lift weights...

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