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Anybody else fought in the toughman contest?

Guest 614Streets

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I fought in an event last year. Kinda spur of the moment type of deal. I was thre with some friends watching a friend from Cleveland fight, they was short a fighter. My buddies all said I should enter and see what happens. So I did and ended up against a 300lbs dude that I thought was gonna whip my ass. 300lbs and couldnt fight for shit lol, ended up winning 250bucks for my 60seconds worth of time. Ask Mattsn2o281....On a side note i'd never do it again unless I was sponsored or had full health insurance.
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Guest 614Streets
I fought in an event last year. Kinda spur of the moment type of deal. I was thre with some friends watching a friend from Cleveland fight, they was short a fighter. My buddies all said I should enter and see what happens. So I did and ended up against a 300lbs dude that I thought was gonna whip my ass. 300lbs and couldnt fight for shit lol, ended up winning 250bucks for my 60seconds worth of time. Ask Mattsn2o281....On a side note i'd never do it again unless I was sponsored or had full health insurance.


What organization was that for?


+1 On it being dangerous , a bunch of people have died at toughman , a guy was killed at the same arena the year prior.


When I was leaving I could not belive how many fist fights broke out amoung the crowds.


I will never again do it its to dangerous to go against some of the higher trained fighters although in hindsight they do try to match you weight wise and it was a positive experiance. None of the fighters carried any desk jobs, most were masons , carpenter , mechanics, former military , etc.

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I have been to a few of them and if you can make it to the 2nd round and your cardio is good you should be on the better end of the fight. Also the ones I have seen seem to be more people that are street fighters and not so much polished fighters. But nearly all of them came down to who had better cardio.
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No, but I did help win an "In The Know" tournament.


Brains over brawn, it gets the bitches.




"T" for True!



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I dont remember the company who threw the even off hand, id have to ask my buddy. The dude I fought looked the part, but was out of shape so bad that serilously 30seconds into the damn thing I knew he was done. And I have noticed a lot of fights breaking out at these events, hell even leaving a bar after UFC you see everyone turning into "cage fighters" in the parking lot
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I dont remember the company who threw the even off hand, id have to ask my buddy. The dude I fought looked the part, but was out of shape so bad that serilously 30seconds into the damn thing I knew he was done. And I have noticed a lot of fights breaking out at these events, hell even leaving a bar after UFC you see everyone turning into "cage fighters" in the parking lot


that is so true! I stay away from the bars that have the ufc or pride fights, just always too much trouble afterwards.

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A guy at work does the tough man contest as well as several different martial arts events. I have never seen him fight personally but at 40 yrs old he is in better shape than almost anybody I know that is younger and have heard he whips some ass. He's the kind of guy that gets a hard on and starts drooling when he thinks he's getting a fight.
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