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Torture ok?


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ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul


edit: ron paul


edit 2: too long didn't read. torture's ok by me tho. seems like the only people who ever get wrongfully tortured aren't exactly the smartest or in association with 100% legal activities all the time. besides, we need a little social darwinism from time to time; i just wish we'd get rid of a few crackpot conservatives more often.

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Too lazy to care or read much of what was posted. I am not opposed to mild torture, and no I will not define mild torture. Just reading the first part of that, I doubt Mr. H the NG guy would really be watching something that is illegal and classified.
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Same as above -- they wouldn't even torture us, just cut off our heads as they so often like to do and video tape it. I personally think we as a nation are far too lenient on criminals and our enemies in general. To steal a line from a recent movie "criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding" and that is cold, hard, fact. Start putting them to death for something as "simple" as breaking and entering, theft, rape, I bet things would head in a more positive direction. I've also always been a fan of the olden days where executions were a public thing. If they have nothing positive to contribute to society, kill them. Sorry if my harsher views offend anyone.
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I assume you mean "suspected" criminals with ties to criminal organizations, etc. not someone who's actually been indicted on something?


Assuming that's what you mean, it would depend on the evidence at hand on the person and what they admit to. You can't go just torture innocent people where there's no proof of wrong-doing. Once solid evidence is established though, like a link to Al'Qaeda or a brutal gang, etc., I have no problem at all with existing interrogation methods to include or not include "torture".


Hope that answers your question.

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i used to think so, but people say whatever you want to hear when you are torturing them, so I am not sure if you actually get any usefull info for the majority of things.


And when you are supposed to be the greatest nation on earth do you really think you should lower your standards to a nation that disgusts you at the same time? All the info you could need can be had by other means, torture is for the lazy people in charge

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If they aren't a US citizen than they get tortured. Its completely fair to me. If they are a US citizen like that one kid that was caught fighting on the side of the enemy then he can be tortured as well. Though personally I don't think I'd have even taken him prisoner since it would be much less hassle to just bury the dumbass in the sand and leave the media out of it.



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i used to think so, but people say whatever you want to hear when you are torturing them, so I am not sure if you actually get any usefull info for the majority of things.


And when you are supposed to be the greatest nation on earth do you really think you should lower your standards to a nation that disgusts you at the same time? All the info you could need can be had by other means, torture is for the lazy people in charge


The cia stated that they got useless info and that by talking to them and other techniques there were able to extract more reliable info.


There is the chance that us citizens could end up in guat

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So, getting scraped knees is torture? Enought to go to the hospital. When I fell on the sidewalk and scraped my knee as a child.....I didn't go to the hospital, I rinsed it off, slapped a band aid on that sucker went about my business again.


This story has no depth besides a soldier who seems to be having a mentally unstable time of it. Who knows what he's upset about, but there has to be more behind the story, I need details. It's going to have to get juicy though. I need more than waterboarding to throw up a big "WTF".

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Ummmm but were not talkinga bout judging were talkinga bout toture.


Well obviously were not torturing them enough if they still think that throwing feces is a "strong" method of communication. Waterboarding is "torture light" in my opinion and if a mother fucker in prison throws feces at me, he'd better be willing to eat shit in the near future.

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we give way too much of a damn about criminals in this country. fuck them...if they did wrong and are sent to guat, then God help them. personally, if we don't get what we need out of them after a certain period of time, they should just put those fucks down for good instead of wasting all the resources that go into keeping them there.


same goes for all of our scum that is sentenced to life in prison...why? I just don't get that shit either. kill them already and move on......or stick them on "liberal island" and let those that live there deal with them. waste of thought power for anyone to think about this any further really.


There is the chance that us citizens could end up in guat

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we give way too much of a damn about criminals in this country. fuck them...if they did wrong and are sent to guat, then God help them. personally, if we don't get what we need out of them after a certain period of time, they should just put those fucks down for good instead of wasting all the resources that go into keeping them there.


same goes for all of our scum that is sentenced to life in prison...why? I just don't get that shit either. kill them already and move on......or stick them on "liberal island" and let those that live there deal with them. waste of thought power for anyone to think about this any further really.




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we give way too much of a damn about criminals in this country. fuck them...if they did wrong and are sent to guat, then God help them. personally, if we don't get what we need out of them after a certain period of time, they should just put those fucks down for good instead of wasting all the resources that go into keeping them there.


same goes for all of our scum that is sentenced to life in prison...why? I just don't get that shit either. kill them already and move on......or stick them on "liberal island" and let those that live there deal with them. waste of thought power for anyone to think about this any further really.

:D Spot on the money. You should run for president.

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