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limewire issues

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I do I really got to point it out?


Check your settings.

See if you got upload enabled.


If you do just call the RIAA. tell them you were trying to download music. They will take care of you from there.

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get rid of limewire....it sux0rs!


beyond that, keep your old versions..when they prompt you to update, say "no thanks beotch"...new versions usually come with more tracking bugs and pop-up bs.

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get rid of limewire....it sux0rs!


beyond that, keep your old versions..when they prompt you to update, say "no thanks beotch"...new versions usually come with more tracking bugs and pop-up bs.


I have LW 4.10.3 and it no longer connects to the network.

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I do I really got to point it out?


Check your settings.

See if you got upload enabled.


If you do just call the RIAA. tell them you were trying to download music. They will take care of you from there.


thanks thorne...do you have a phone number for them. it seems they are closed on sundays?


thanks everyone :)



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alright thorne i am giving up...anybody have details on bittorrent sites etc? i am computer stupid, so the more detailed the better.










When you can dl shit faster and not get legal issues.

If your RR you can do 4 connections at once and get between 400-900KB

If your with wow pay for a giganews account. It's worth it you will max out your cablemodem and never have to worry about legal reprecussions

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