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Violence in the Workplace


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Workers comp claim will never go through. He has a 0.01 chance of getting it approved. However, an assault charge +1, and a lawsuit against the attacker and the company is a win-win situation. Violence in a workplace is never allowed unless u are in the UFC:D. He should have been instantly terminated. Unsafe work environment, pain & suffering, etc.... The guy with a broken jaw is "sittin on a gold mine" at the moment if or when he files a lawsuit.
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major props to the dude that got hit for not fighting back. And the other guy is a girl who is worried about rumors when you work with a bunch of guys and over the age of 17.


True story. The guy made a good call by not fighting back. And agreed that the attacker sounds like an immature pussy. "Like OMG I heard you were gossiping about me!!!!!" What a douche.

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I went through something similar, roughly a year ago. Look, untill the 2 sides of the story are at least disclosed a lil, or we have an idea what the grounds for the confrontation were, don't be so quick to judge. There is always a point where you draw the line with being disrespected, unless your a spineless bitch that is, and yes, that means knocking someone up side the head at work if it is needed, job be damned.


Six months was my limit of listening to a newly hired guy in his 50's threating me, threating my job, slacking off to the point i had to come in on the weekends, saying shit he had no business saying at work to my co-workers, basicly everything he could do to instigate and give me a black eye with the company. Add in managements refusal to intervene or reprimand in the least, well, i bet that mouthy fuck at least thinks about what he says to people now, and damn sure doesnt see the world the same way, or even half as clearly... :D

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Where the Eff do you work that you can punch someone and still be employed??


for the record, i know of one of our employees stabbing another one (like, with a knife. a real one) and being back at work 3 days later. the guy who got stabbed was back at work 3 weeks later, at his station, right next to the guy who stabbed him. theyre cousins and act like they just got in a wrestling match or something. its freakin bananas.

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for the record, i know of one of our employees stabbing another one (like, with a knife. a real one) and being back at work 3 days later. the guy who got stabbed was back at work 3 weeks later, at his station, right next to the guy who stabbed him. theyre cousins and act like they just got in a wrestling match or something. its freakin bananas.


That is freakin bananas. WTF is wrong with people? My coworkers usually just take out their frustrations on their keyboards. I think one guy is on his 4th or 5th. (We don't like human interaction on the night-shift).


Sounds like a shitty situation for the victim.

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Firing the aggressor is totally up to your workplace and their policies. The problem comes if they don't fire the employee or at a minimum make him seek some anger management, the employer could be liable should this happen again (even to someone else). Not terminating someone with a history of violence is both a danger and a liability.


The person attacked in this case should have probably not received any discipline due to the fact that the proper steps were followed the way you described it.


As far as compensation, it is 100% compensable in the state of Ohio. If the employee would like more retribution, he should file assault charges and a personal suit as others have said.

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