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ruthless murdering soldier


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  V8 BEAST said:
We send them over there to kill anything that seems to be a threat (including women and children) and we are acting disgusted about a dog???? I would be a little off of my rocker too if I was in full gear in 100+ temps getting shot at and having to look over my shoulder most of the time.


Brian. Come here. Let's review what you've done here together. What seems to have happened here is that you've offered an excuse to kill a harmless puppy. Not just in any manner, but in an obviously cruel and warped one. :slap:


Now, have we learned anything here? Maybe? Not sure? Ask your kids what you they think. I bet they help. ;)

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  ImUrOBGYN said:
Brian. Come here. Let's review what you've done here together. What seems to have happened here is that you've offered an excuse to kill a harmless puppy. Not just in any manner, but in an obviously cruel and warped one. :slap:


Now, have we learned anything here? Maybe? Not sure? Ask your kids what you they think. I bet they help. ;)


After having family come home and explain what happens over there, all I can say is I'm not suprised. Listen to a few stories about what happens to some of the woman and children over there. I bet afterwards the puppy would seem like a drop in the pan...

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  V8 BEAST said:
After having family come home and explain what happens over there, all I can say is I'm not suprised. Listen to a few stories about what happens to some of the woman and children over there. I bet afterwards the puppy would seem like a drop in the pan...


Ok, Thorne, I mean, Brian. ;) I'll assume the same of you as I did Thorne when I tried to defend him a bit in the "killed and ate a girl thread".


I'm going to assume that you are not actually justifying this and merely saying you can understand what may've lead to it.

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  V8 BEAST said:
After having family come home and explain what happens over there, all I can say is I'm not suprised. Listen to a few stories about what happens to some of the woman and children over there. I bet afterwards the puppy would seem like a drop in the pan...


At what point did I justify it? I said I'm not surprised... at what point did I say it was right??? It just says there are worse things than puppy killings going on over there.

Disclaimer for you :asshole: that like to read between the lines just to start an argument.. I know I dont know the guy, and I know every person goes through different things over there. The family I talk to was on the front line. This kid could be some pos loser that only made it in the militery because of his high ranking father, and has never seen any action other than his roomate giving him a reach around. I was just saying to you PEDA guys that animals are not more important than people... PERIOD! Yes, I linked my argument to some guy I dont know (just as you have no clue who the fuck he is or his background) to prove a point... no, killing is not right... yes, the kid needs counseling... and no the world will not fucking end because a puppy died, I promise.


Have a great fucking day.

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  The Jag Bloke said:
Justified and understandable are two different things. Deployment fucks you up, some of those guys are their 4th or 5th. Combat fucks you up more.


you are right they are different, but that isn't understandable either

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  The Jag Bloke said:
I'll give ya that, "batshit crazy" is tough to understand.


True story. I'll let some of you play Halo with my cousin when he comes home. Ever seen a grown man do a tumble roll to avoid being shot by a video game? It was way more messy before the wireless controllers....

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  Redneck-Scott said:
Proper zero means life or death. The dogs running around there are not like American dogs. They're nasty, disease infested rats, that like to pick apart dead bodies. Seen plenty of dogs in OIF 1 with human remains in their mouth.


That makes me wonder. Would there be an argument if the guy was tossing a rat off of a cliff instead of a dog????

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  V8 BEAST said:
That makes me wonder. Would there be an argument if the guy was tossing a rat off of a cliff instead of a dog????

Dogs are held in high reguard here, fuck I love mine to death. In Iraq/Middle East, they're just like rats basically. All over the place, barking and giving your position away, and carrying nasty diseases. Now a few are used for the goat hearders and what not, but other than that, they're utter pests. Reason why we'd try to confirm our zeros on them. If I hit a running dog @ 400 meters, then I'm good to go when I see a Madi Militia member/Insurgent running with an AK or RPG @ 400 meters. It looks bad, but when you're in that mind set over there, the emotions aren't a priority.

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  V8 BEAST said:
True story. I'll let some of you play Halo with my cousin when he comes home. Ever seen a grown man do a tumble roll to avoid being shot by a video game? It was way more messy before the wireless controllers....


Oh hell yeah. My cousin is a case. After hearing his stories about body parts flying from behind concrete walls in mogadishu after they light them up is no joke. He showed us where the shells would fall down on him and stick to his skin! So you would look at the dogs and say I cannot kill that harmless animal and then they give your position away and you get killed, or you pay it no mind and it attacks you and you can die, or catch a couple diseases?

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  Redneck-Scott said:
Proper zero means life or death. The dogs running around there are not like American dogs. They're nasty, disease infested rats, that like to pick apart dead bodies. Seen plenty of dogs in OIF 1 with human remains in their mouth.


I agree. Besides they are over there so we don't have to be there so let them kill anything they want.


I see nothing wrong with it and to me its actually very funny. Who gives a fuck its a dog and not even a dog that's lived with you for 10 years. And for reference I showed my wife the vid and she doesn't see a problem either.



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  EWhytsell said:
I agree. Besides they are over there so we don't have to be there so let them kill anything they want.


I see nothing wrong with it and to me its actually very funny. Who gives a fuck its a dog and not even a dog that's lived with you for 10 years. And for reference I showed my wife the vid and she doesn't see a problem either.




I wouldnt go as far as to say it's funny :confused: It's just reality.

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Maybe it's just me, but I'm pretty sure he didn't toss the puppy because it gave away his position, you fucking morons. :D


...and that little pooch looked nothing like a diseased rat. I don't care what sort of animal someone would throw over, as they did it for no purpose other then being pricks and thinking they're badasses.


@Scott: I can understand shooting a diseased/rabbid dog, even to zero in, as at least the thing is put out of its misery quickly and helps you stay safer. But it was obvious the guy tossing the puppy was just being an asshole.

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