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Does CR negatively affect your real life relationships?


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I've definitely had girlfriends get pissy about my 'car forums', in relation to spending a few hours on them a day (and not giving them as much attention)

I'm on another one a great deal more than this board.

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No, I don't think CR has really impacted any of my relationships. Obviously it is possible, but, I doubt it is very common. I don't think there is anything I could type truthfully on here would really change any "real life" relationships.
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Not really for me. The women I'm with know how big into cars I am and how big CR is a part of my life. They know up front and have to accept that or find someone else. My girlfriend now knows about CR and how involved I am, and she can't wait to be a part of it when the weather gets nicer.


I have met a lot of friends through CR as well, so that also counts for a big part of my life.

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I've never chosen an internet forum over a real person so therefore it has never effected my life in a negative way. I may be on here daily but it doesnt restrict me from doing other things. I never think "i could go out with katie tonight but... what if something happens on CR and Im not there with a witty retort?"


I think there are people out there who would rather be online than out in the real world. Maybe its a coping mechanism for how they handle the real world. Rather than be in it where they have little power to change things they can be online where they have much more control? Who knows...

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Positively, sure. I have met many friends through this forum that I am good friends with in real life now (ie Thorne).


Negatively, not really.


I feel special ;)


For me no, I've met alot of cool people on CR that there GF's are my wifes friends. MY wife even sits down and reads the posts sometimes because she gets a kick out of it.


She also gives me shit sometimes for things I say,But she knows that I'm huge into cars and she also see the number of my friends that hang out are all members.

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I have created, cultivated and subsequently strained relationships online. Overall, I attribute it to the outside world making me nuts and the internet providing a readily available means to act like an ass. :)


Perhaps that is where the conflict is; Real World vs E-world.


Really? CR should never negatively effect anyones life! Its an affinity group we all belong to because we're into cars - period

I hate cars, and I hate car people....especially you. Grrrrrr :mad:

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what is worse after seeing all the trannys that come across ot, i pretty much have to see a vagina, to believe they are female and even then i stil wonder if they are post-ops.


also, this thread is worthless without pics.

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This site has done nothing to affect my personal life, only thing my girlfriend has asked about is, how can we talk about cars so much, she just has no idea, I told her its the same way she feels about going shopping or helping people at her work, its just having the pasion for somthing.
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i've seen a few friendships go sour here but i've also met some really cool people. deep down you guys aren't the dicks you try to be on here..... you are real people with good hearts. i love you guys!!!!!!!



anyway... yeah it's been ok here :)

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I never think "i could go out with katie tonight but... what if something happens on CR and Im not there with a witty retort?"


that right thurr is funny.


i will say that its become more difficult for me to type up a report at work and use correct punctuation/spelling/grammar. i keep wanting to put "lollerskates" in my reports about our quality.


i myself have gained quite a few friends here in this place. off the top of my head, eric, jesse, eli, mark m., marc s., thorne, smurf, howard, ben, tilley, tinman and others. cr has networked me into mechanics for repairs, mechanics for modification, accountants, real estate agents, and more, and who knows how much money/grief i have saved simply by coming here and asking, "i want to do (blank), what do you guys think/has anyone done this before and did it suck?" so, easy to say that cr has been a positive.


on the negative side, this place has completely disproven the theory of natural selection.

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