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Anybody work out on a regular basis?

T Rex

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Ive been trying to work out more in the past few months. Tues/Thurs are the days I push myself hard and just do situps and push-ups Saturday.


Anyway, I just purchased this Atro-Phex stuff at Vitamin World today. Ive only taken 2 caps so far and Ive probably pissed my weight already :p.


This is marketed as a weight loss pill, which Im not really crazy about but I figured Id try it just to see. I bought it for losing water weight and my brother said he has taken it for almost a month now with good results.


Ive never used any supplements besides the occasional protien shake, that I could never finish.


What supplements do you use, if any?

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I just started working out on a steady schedule the beginning of this school year (September 2007). I usually lift Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and do cardio if I have time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Abs also get worked on every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


I am not really doing it to "get big" but it is fun to see results and see your body change, especially from someone who has not worked out one day of their life before this. I wasn't overweight at all (probably under :p) but didn't live the healthiest lifestyle.


Once I see a little more results I will probably start taking something similar to a weight loss/energy supplement to get cut. My roommates took RipTabs before they stopped selling it and saw good results. The Atro-Phex seems a little extreme for my use though. Having to eat 30-45 minutes after or feeling sick (i saw a review) doesn't seem like it would enable you to work out after.

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Im like you Kevin, Im probably under weight... I just cant seem to get cut like I want. I have definatly seen improvements in the way I look, I just want a bit more.


I usually work on my arms Tuesday and cardio for a half our afterwards then abs Thursday with a half our of cardio after as well.


Usually start around 12:15 and head to the showers around 1:45.

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Anyway, I just purchased this Atro-Phex stuff at Vitamin World today. Ive only taken 2 caps so far and Ive probably pissed my weight already :p.


So its a thermogenic? I've always stayed away from them but thats because my dad died of a heart attack at a young age and heart disease is a hereditary trait in my family. Thermogenic's artificially 'jump start' your metabolism using mostly things like a shit load of caffeine and/or ephedra (which is still available in certain places). I've heard to take them before doing cardio long and hard.


Personally yeah i want to look great but if i do it with any artificial means I would just be worried that i'd put whatever weight I lost right back on as soon as I stoped taking it. Plus extended regular use of thermogenic's isnt recommended. I know professional's that use them but only before a competition and only periodically.


I guess the real question is why you want to drop water weight? Yes it will cut you up more and you'll look better but its not healthy to do that long term. If you were going on vacation then that would make sense but you NEED water to keep your metabolism up. I've always heard a gallon a day will keep your metabolism working all the time. If your metabolism is always working then your always burning fat. Then your dropping the weight you really want to get rid of, which is fat. And Brian is right, there is no substitute for good hard cardio and a decent diet. Its not hard to eat right.


Personally I just drink a protein shake post workout usually with Glutamine. Daily multi vitamin, 1000g vit C, vit E and the always controversial fish oil :) Actually I drink protein shakes more than just post workout. If im in a rush in the morning and dont have time to make eggs in the morning I'll have an english muffin with a shake in the morning.


DISCLAIMER: Im not an expert by ANY means so take this advice with a grain of salt. There are guys on here that are much more knowledgable than I am this is just a hobby I've recently gotten into so there's a chance im wrong.... but im not :)


Sorry this turned into such a long post.

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So its a thermogenic? I've always stayed away from them but thats because my dad died of a heart attack at a young age and heart disease is a hereditary trait in my family. Thermogenic's artificially 'jump start' your metabolism using mostly things like a shit load of caffeine and/or ephedra (which is still available in certain places). I've heard to take them before doing cardio long and hard....


...Sorry this turned into such a long post.


Im only going to cycle it until the end of my pills... at 4 a day thats about 24 days... after that will be strictly protein.


Maybe I jumped the gun with this a bit but I feel like I have hit a plateau and Im hoping this will get me over it.

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You cant buy ephedra at places like GNC and Vitamin World... It is illegal, some mom and pop places still might have some stock of it left though.


If I recall ephedra cause a lot of damage to people who didnt take it like it as directed. Im not defending this product because I dont know that much about it but I do know that there was a lot of abuse with that specific product.

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You cant buy ephedra at places like GNC and Vitamin World... It is illegal, some mom and pop places still might have some stock of it left though.


If I recall ephedra cause a lot of damage to people who didnt take it like it as directed. Im not defending this product because I dont know that much about it but I do know that there was a lot of abuse with that specific product.


Ya...I have never been to a Vitamin World so I didn't know what it is. I know you can find ephedra almost anywhere online.

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Ya...I have never been to a Vitamin World so I didn't know what it is. I know you can find ephedra almost anywhere online.


My bad... I didnt realize you could buy ephedra online either.


What is Ping?! Google search only came back w/ the golf clubs :p.

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You cant buy ephedra at places like GNC and Vitamin World... It is illegal, some mom and pop places still might have some stock of it left though.


If I recall ephedra cause a lot of damage to people who didnt take it like it as directed. Im not defending this product because I dont know that much about it but I do know that there was a lot of abuse with that specific product.


The density is as strong in this thread as any other nutrition thread on CR.


Ephedrine is not illegal... Nor is it excessively harmful in the ways that you pseudo-scientists seem to believe.


Ephedrine is a controlled substance because it is a main component in the manufacture of Methamphetamines using a relatively simple Birch Reduction. Show me a single report that links ephedrine to causing anything more than dehydration and similar mild stimulant side effects and I will renounce all of my nutrition knowledge. The simple fact of the matter is that it never crosses the brain blood border in the way that its similar chemical structure Dextromethamphetamine does freely thereby not excessively increasing serum dopamine levels as the FDA might try to scare you into thinking.


You can buy it at CVS as Primatene or Bronkaid. The 12.5 or 25mg Ephedrine HCL is paired with 200mg of Guaifenesin, an Expectorant used in the treatment of Asthma.


Please do some fucking research and stop touting what you heard from some dude one time as fact.



If you want to lose weight read/do this:




Don't stray from it a single instance, measure your food and do even a fraction of the exercise it suggests and you will see result unlike anything you anticipated.


I switched to this 10 weeks ago and further shed 15lbs. I am at my 8th grade wrestling weight and am basically shredded.

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The density is as strong in this thread as any other nutrition thread on CR.


Ephedrine is not illegal... Nor is it excessively harmful in the ways that you pseudo-scientists seem to believe.


Ephedrine is a controlled substance because it is a main component in the manufacture of Methamphetamines using a relatively simple Birch Reduction. Show me a single report that links ephedrine to causing anything more than dehydration and similar mild stimulant side effects and I will renounce all of my nutrition knowledge. The simple fact of the matter is that it never crosses the brain blood border in the way that its similar chemical structure Dextromethamphetamine does freely thereby not excessively increasing serum dopamine levels as the FDA might try to scare you into thinking.


You can buy it at CVS as Primatene or Bronkaid. The 12.5 or 25mg Ephedrine HCL is paired with 200mg of Guaifenesin, an Expectorant used in the treatment of Asthma.


Please do some fucking research and stop touting what you heard from some dude one time as fact.



If you want to lose weight read/do this:




Don't stray from it a single instance, measure your food and do even a fraction of the exercise it suggests and you will see result unlike anything you anticipated.


I switched to this 10 weeks ago and further shed 15lbs. I am at my 8th grade wrestling weight and am basically shredded.



You're at your 8th grade bodyweight now? LOL, overweight much as a kid?

















j/k :cool:

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If you want to lose weight read/do this:




Don't stray from it a single instance, measure your food and do even a fraction of the exercise it suggests and you will see result unlike anything you anticipated.


I switched to this 10 weeks ago and further shed 15lbs. I am at my 8th grade wrestling weight and am basically shredded.


If only I could understand what any of that meant. :)

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If you want a good protien shake.. get amplify I drink 2 a day.. It tatse soo good and only has 3 grams of sugar and 4 carbs, but 20 grams of protien. Strawberry is so good. also tuna and hot suace great source of protien. Get a good multi vitamin, add fish oil if it doesnt include it. and always watch portion sizes. Ephedra is not bad.. just dont over do it. Also, drink plenty of water!
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If you are really serious do this...


-Talk to a nutritionist. Get a diet that is tailored to you are your goals.

(if you dont have the money use websites like the one listed above)

-If you are disciplined use a personal trainer for a few weeks to get an idea of what type of work out regiment you should be following. Even if you have a background in personal training and/or are experienced it's good to get ideas from someone else.

- If you are not disciplined use the trainer longer to whip your lazy ass into shape

- Stay away from "cheats" in the form of pills. If you want energy buy a juicer and take a trip to Krogers.

- Remember that fast is not always good. Take your time and allow your metabolism to rise at a natural rate. This way you dont put the weight back on by eating one pizza 3 months from now.


Personal training was my major in college for a few years before I found out how much their average salary was :( .

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