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Weather Channel founder wants to sue Al Gore :rofl:


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Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore for Fraud


Friday , March 14, 2008


The founder of the Weather Channel wants to sue Al Gore for fraud, hoping a legal debate will settle the global-warming debate once and for all.


John Coleman, who founded the cable network in 1982, suggests suing for fraud proponents of global warming, including Al Gore, and companies that sell carbon credits.


"Is he committing financial fraud? That is the question," Coleman said.


"Since we can't get a debate, I thought perhaps if we had a legal challenge and went into a court of law, where it was our scientists and their scientists, and all the legal proceedings with the discovery and all their documents from both sides and scientific testimony from both sides, we could finally get a good solid debate on the issue," Coleman said. "I'm confident that the advocates of 'no significant effect from carbon dioxide' would win the case."


Coleman says his side of the global-warming debate is being buried in mainstream media circles.


"As you look at the atmosphere over the last 25 years, there's been perhaps a degree of warming, perhaps probably a whole lot less than that, and the last year has been so cold that that's been erased," he said.


"I think if we continue the cooling trend a couple of more years, the general public will at last begin to realize that they've been scammed on this global-warming thing."


Coleman spoke to FOXNews.com after his appearance last week at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change in New York, where he called global warming a scam and lambasted the cable network he helped create.


"You want to tune to the Weather Channel and have them tell you how to live your life?" Coleman said. "Come on."


He laments the network's decision to focus on traffic and lifestyle reports over the weather.


"It's very clear that they don't realize that weather is the most significant impact in every human being's daily life, and good, solid, up-to-the-minute weather information and meaningful forecasts presented in such a way that people find them understandable and enjoyable can have a significant impact," he said.


"The more you cloud that up with other baloney, the weaker the product," he said.


Coleman has long been a skeptic of global warming, and carbon dioxide is the linchpin to his argument.


"Does carbon dioxide cause a warming of the atmosphere? The proponents of global warming pin their whole piece on that," he said.


The compound carbon dioxide makes up only 38 out of every 100,000 particles in the atmosphere, he said.


"That's about twice as what there were in the atmosphere in the time we started burning fossil fuels, so it's gone up, but it's still a tiny compound," Coleman said. "So how can that tiny trace compound have such a significant effect on temperature?


"My position is it can't," he continued. "It doesn't, and the whole case for global warming is based on a fallacy."



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Good it's about time he get taken down for this stupid shit. I'm tired of hearing it, tired of hearing people argue in favor that it exists, and tired of defending my position. Mr. Coleman, I hope you win the Nobel Peace Prize for this.....
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Its about time, I hope this makes idiots realize the truth.


You fucking tree huggers want to do something for the environment? Eat more cows.






I say, fight global cooling: remove your cats.



In the words of Maddox, for every animal you don't eat, I'm going to eat three. It always gave me satisfaction to say that to a vegetarian.

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Only problem I see with that article, is that he focus's "Global warming" as just the warming of the world climate.


No,... it's more than that, as much as I hate Gore, I can't side with this guy as well, global warming is not just the increase in global temperature, though that usually is the main result.


His article is under researched and bias based only on half information.



"Global warming" comes and goes in cycles that last 10's of thousands of years. Researching the world history you'll find atleast 4 different times the polar ice extended as far down as the Carolinas, only to recede and do it again.


It's not "global warming", it's normal global climate change. Anyone who believes different believed in Y2K too.

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Only problem I see with that article, is that he focus's "Global warming" as just the warming of the world climate.


No,... it's more than that, as much as I hate Gore, I can't side with this guy as well, global warming is not just the increase in global temperature, though that usually is the main result.


His article is under researched and bias based only on half information.



"Global warming" comes and goes in cycles that last 10's of thousands of years. Researching the world history you'll find atleast 4 different times the polar ice extended as far down as the Carolinas, only to recede and do it again.


It's not "global warming", it's normal global climate change. Anyone who believes different believed in Y2K too.


But at least there was some truth to Y2K. There were computer systems that were going to revert back to 1900.


As far as I have seen, there is no shred of evidence supporting global warming. Everything happening is normal climate change.

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But at least there was some truth to Y2K. There were computer systems that were going to revert back to 1900.


Yes, and the global climate does increase. Neither of which end the world.



Its misdirection and 'education' by fear and misconception. Same thing with the liberals and gun control. Take what happens and twist it through the media until they get such an end result that the sheeple are unable to decipher it any differently.

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Excuse me? Liberals and gun control? When exactly was the last time you heard a mainstream "liberal" give a speech on gun control? Most "liberal" pols are pretty satisfied with the laws as they exist now. Hell, most of them have even seen the stupidity of the lapsed "assault weapon" laws.
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Its about time, I hope this makes idiots realize the truth.


You fucking tree huggers want to do something for the environment? Eat more cows.




Do you disagree that its melting?


Global warming exist yes?


Are wethe cause no notreally.


Its a trent we can see threw history before man. Yeah we add to it but damn. I don't see were there is a argument.


Now were did I put that leaded gas.

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Do you disagree that its melting?


Global warming exist yes?


Are wethe cause no notreally.


Its a trent we can see threw history before man. Yeah we add to it but damn. I don't see were there is a argument.


Now were did I put that leaded gas.


Bill, put the pot down, and come back when you can comprehend what I typed.

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Only problem I see with that article, is that he focus's "Global warming" as just the warming of the world climate.


No,... it's more than that, as much as I hate Gore, I can't side with this guy as well, global warming is not just the increase in global temperature, though that usually is the main result.


His article is under researched and bias based only on half information.



"Global warming" comes and goes in cycles that last 10's of thousands of years. Researching the world history you'll find atleast 4 different times the polar ice extended as far down as the Carolinas, only to recede and do it again.


It's not "global warming", it's normal global climate change. Anyone who believes different believed in Y2K too.


This is true...


It has been proven many times that the climate has and will continue to shift. They have even dug ice cores going back 1,000's of years. It was way hotter than this years ago, and way cooler to. We're just in the upswing now, (YAY FOR MY LIFETIME). We will eventually shift back into a colder climate where all the kanucks are feeling some real pain.



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This is true...


It has been proven many times that the climate has and will continue to shift. They have even dug ice cores going back 1,000's of years. It was way hotter than this years ago, and way cooler to. We're just in the upswing now, (YAY FOR MY LIFETIME). We will eventually shift back into a colder climate where all the kanucks are feeling some real pain.




Hopefully by then we'll have figured out terraforming, otherwise we find a new planet or die.

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