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Obama Tax Return

Guest Hal

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I don't have anything I can pull up readily. Hold on a few mins. I'm still trying to find the one where he says about his civil service "...the pay stinks, the hours stink..."


Edit 1: Third paragraph of the first post is one quick thing. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47954&highlight=obama


Edit 2: "After law school Barack Obama could have cashed in, instead..."

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if obama gets elected it will just confirm that the country is going to hell. a racist muslim....thats what america needs. as well as having his brother burn christians alive in churchs, wonder if thats true? oh well what can we do?
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if obama gets elected it will just confirm that the country is going to hell. a racist muslim....thats what america needs. as well as having his brother burn christians alive in churchs, wonder if thats true? oh well what can we do?



Just because his parents (mother I believe) was a muslium and was given a muslium name does make him muslium. before you make a blanket statement like thatmybe you should spend oh.... 30 seconds on google wher you will see he is a active christian and has gone to the same church (his words) for over 20 years.


By your thought process anyone with a name of German decent must be nazis right?

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Just because his parents (mother I believe) was a muslium and was given a muslium name does make him muslium. before you make a blanket statement like thatmybe you should spend oh.... 30 seconds on google wher you will see he is a active christian and has gone to the same church (his words) for over 20 years.


By your thought process anyone with a name of German decent must be nazis right?







That is true.


I have no Idea what decent I am, I claim Jamacia. wonder if Bob Marley is my dad?...


I'll neve know cause I dont care.


I would base your decision on what direction they wanna take the nation rather than who did what befor them in there family tree.

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I don't have anything I can pull up readily. Hold on a few mins. I'm still trying to find the one where he says about his civil service "...the pay stinks, the hours stink..."


Edit 1: Third paragraph of the first post is one quick thing. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47954&highlight=obama [/url]



She’s a drama queen. I'm sure he took a payout going into politics and was probably a bit of a life style change for them as well. IT all depends on what you are accustomed too. If you were used to say a $100k income a here and it was cut in half could you still live and function? Yes. Would you have to make some changes? Absolutely.


Edit 2: "After law school Barack Obama could have cashed in, instead..."


can't watch this at work.

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Just because his parents (mother I believe) was a muslium and was given a muslium name does make him muslium. before you make a blanket statement like thatmybe you should spend oh.... 30 seconds on google wher you will see he is a active christian and has gone to the same church (his words) for over 20 years.


By your thought process anyone with a name of German decent must be nazis right?


funny.....google i where I read all that. you can't beleive anything he says, of course he is going to say he is a christian. thats what americans want to hear. why don't you search google, youtube, ect. You will some some alarming things. I am not here to have a political debate. I am not confident with any of the potential candidates. frankly I just don't care anymore....

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funny.....google i where I read all that.


are you sure there? quick search found me this




quote from article

"I've been to the same church _ the same Christian church _ for almost 20 years," Obama


ok his word he could be lieing


here is a link with his church info


quote from article.

Baptized in Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ, Obama has been an active member for two decades, regularly attending services with his family under Wright's spiritual mentorship


second source says same thing



yet another quote

Since declaring his candidacy for president in February, Obama, a member of a congregation of the United Church of Christ in Chicago, has had to address assertions that he is a Muslim or that he had received training in Islam in Indonesia, where he lived from ages 6 to 10. While his father was an atheist and his mother did not practice religion, Obama's stepfather did occasionally attend services at a mosque there.


ah it was his stepfather not him.


so again try using google was very easy to find, search critieria was "Obama Relgion" all 3 expample were on the first page.





you can't beleive anything he says, of course he is going to say he is a christian. thats what americans want to hear.


right right you can't but I will believe it if it comes from a neutral source like msnbc fox or the somewhere else that is creditable.


why don't you search google, youtube, ect. You will some some alarming things. I am not here to have a political debate. I am not confident with any of the potential candidates. frankly I just don't care anymore....


I have and there is a bunch of shit out there that has zero fact to back it up. Before you say its fact and believe it to be true maybe you should consider the source from were it came from first. Wait.. thats right everything you see on the internet is the truth? Right?

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Just because his parents (mother I believe) was a muslium and was given a muslium name does make him muslium. before you make a blanket statement like thatmybe you should spend oh.... 30 seconds on google wher you will see he is a active christian and has gone to the same church (his words) for over 20 years.


By your thought process anyone with a name of German decent must be nazis right?


his words to make you vote for him.


i want to know why he doesn't put his hand over his heart

and why he wont say the pledge

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i want to know why he doesn't put his hand over his heart

and why he wont say the pledge


I would think you would be proud to do that if you wanted to be the president of the country the Pledge of Allegiance stands for.


Yes He's a fuck

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if you think msnbc, foxnews and cnn report ALL the facts you're whats wrong with our society. the mainstream media at its finnest.


edit - I just searched google. this is a taste of what I found.





open your eyes!

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his words to make you vote for him.


i want to know why he doesn't put his hand over his heart

and why he wont say the pledge


because he is a muslim at his roots and once in power we will all see who is "really" in power. God help us all.....

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hes a christian at this church?




"We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. "


thats the kind of christian I want running my country.


commitment to africa!!!!!

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First off.. I am voting republican.


2nd, this thread proves the mindless sheep that the general public is... I hear baaaaaah a lot in this thread.


Its called propaganda and it is obvious who is dumb enough to just blindly fall for it.


Obama DOES put his hand over his heart and pledge to the flag. You morons read somewhere that he didnt and saw the single solitary photo that shows him w/o his hand over his heart with the PROPAGANDA STORY that said he didnt. Where if you actually decided to find the facts you would find out that the picture was taken at the beginning to the National Anthem and would then find 32986324983274 pictures that show him actually doing the pledge of allegence. I suppose you dipshits also believe that he has said he would be sworn in on the Koran if he won... well you would be wrong on that one too, retard.



this concludes my rant that thoroughly demonstrates the effectiveness of political propaganda on the public, because 90% of them are blind sheep that believe anything they hear.




PS, Vote republican!

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if obama gets elected it will just confirm that the country is going to hell. a racist muslim....thats what america needs. as well as having his brother burn christians alive in churchs, wonder if thats true? oh well what can we do?


The problem with this country is not Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or John McCain.


The problem with this country is that there are so many ignorant, under educated, half witts (like yourself) who journey through life with unwarranted esteem in their own intelligence. These people (like yourself) are so easily manipulated and stirred into a fine frenzy by fallacious propaganda and undocumented contrived polemic. Those people (like yourself) create these underground grass roots movements that convince a network of other people that these fallacies are fact and have half the country now making decisions based on the manipulative agenda of someone in tune with how fucking stupid people (like yourself) really are.


If you truly don't care, the least you could do is fact check the stupid shit that you choose to project to those people (like yourself) who just might believe you.



PS... Citing World Net Daily and Israel National News as factual sources. Are you fucking serious. If somehow you succeeded to take my suggestion and go back to school to learn how to use rational reasoning skills, you might take note that our National Enquirer is not an acceptable source for credible information.

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Where if you actually decided to find the facts you would find out that the picture was taken at the beginning to the National Anthem and would then find 32986324983274 pictures that show him actually doing the pledge of allegence.


Click here buddy he clearly didnt to it throughout the whole thing.



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