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Jaguar Traveling More Than 100 MPH Crashes


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When I first saw the story this morning on the news, I wondered if it was The Jag Bloke's car since I noticed his Jag it for sale on the Corral. It is good to hear that it was no one from here.


I wondered the same at first myself. I had been talking with my fiancee about what she thinks of us owning said Jaguar (then I rememebered I'm poor)... so when she saw this on the news she called to ask if it was the same one.

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“I can recall within the last year one person killed out of a known street race, we have a whole lot of others that are killed, drunk driving for example is much worse problem,” he says.


That was from a CPD LEO.

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Fox News did a piece on it last night as well and played up the fact that it was a drag race. They mentioned that someone was killed in a drag race in the same spot in 1997. For this race/wreck, they interviewed a guy that actually called 911 as the race was occuring. He didn't say much beyond giving a description of how fast they were going when they passed him.
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