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I joined the sad club...

V8 Beast

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I just finished a deal and the TA will be getting shipped out to Texas in a few days. Last year when I was flirting with the idea of selling it a guy offered me $23k for the car. It was hard for me to turn down but I did it (mainly because the car wasnt running right). Well the guy just sent me an email the other night and told me he had $25k in hand and was willing to transfer the funds immediately.


To make a long story short we got all the paperwork and everything worked out, I have $25k more in my savings account, and a truck will be here Thursday to pick up the TA. I'm about to go drive it around and say goodbye... at this point I'll be content with my envoy.

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i call hard core BS! he has put way toomuch money into your car this year to get rid of it!


This is actually the only year out of the 6 that I have had it that I havnt put any money into it. The only thing I bought was a coupler to replace my maf. For the price if I really wanted to I could get a TA with over 100k miles (I've always wanted a black one), drop in a forged 402/403/408 for 10K and still have 6K left for turbos. I would only have to come out of pocket for installation, heads, and suspension parts.


It's real :(

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lol W T F... if this isn't an April Fools joke then CR should consider changing the name to Columbus Car Sales b/c of the recent amount of ppl getting rid of they're rides this year. Its not a bad thing to do though considering the fact that ur either getting outta debt or making money on the deal. more power to ya.
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"Hey, it's Ted again. I have been looking all over LS1tech random internet sights and auto trader and yahoo and cannot seem to get the car I want. I know they have had a few that are good deals (like the one you pointed out) but I get bad feelings when talking to the guys and gals selling them. Anyways I was wondering if you would be willing to part with your car for $24800. Its all I have extra right now if I'm still going to have enought money to upfrage the bottom. I would assume your car is still under 30,0000 miles and is very well kept. I just get the feeling from dealing with you that you are a stand up guy. Since I crashed my TA I thought I could go without one but I was wrong. You have the exact same set up I had. All I have to do is add a charger and I pretty much hacve my car back. If you can opart with it I will make it worth it. Let me know. I can have the money to you today"
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"Hey, I was looking at the numbers and I think we can do this. With the motor and turbo you spec'd out, I believe we can get you a reliable 800awhp in your STI. Give me a call and we'll hammer out the details."


I can do italics too. :D



(damn I hope this is an April Fools joke, or I'm going to feel bad tomorrow.)

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