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BSG Season 4!!

Dr. Apex

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I know there are a handful of Battlestar fans on here. Season 4 comes out friday night. What are people thinking of what's going to happen with the series since this is then end??


In the original series they do find earth and help them build their technology to fight off the cylons, but I think something else is in the plans for this series.


They showed 4 of the final 5 Cylons and hinted that the president is one but I think it's Starbuck personally. Also it means that the Chiefs kid is a half cylon furthur adding to the complications. Wonder how they're going to get away from the cylons given the way season 3 ended??


Speak out!!

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I'm still freaked out that Colonel Tigh is a Cylon! I have no idea who the final Cylon is going to turn out to be, but I'm leaning toward it being....LEE ADAMA!!!!! I don't know exactly how he could be, given that neither of his parents is one, but what the heck!


I'm thinking that somehow, some way, they find Earth....but either there is the decaying rubble of a long-dead civilization, or just an empty planet. I'm leaning towards some version of the former. I'm not sure if the angle would be that the colony failed long long ago and our civilization is merely the bounce-back, or that the Galactica people will turn out to be our ancestors.


All I know is that I still have to wait 49 hours and 21 minutes, and IT'S FRAKKIN KILLING ME!

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Ive been watching the reruns for a few days now. i only picked up this show last season (i think) so there's alot that i've missed. Personally I think they will either find an advanced society on earth that knows nothing about them or a deserted planet where we use to be. Its been so long since ive seen the last few episodes that i dont even remember alot of it. I never understood why they took so damn long to create more episodes.


Oh and Katee Sackhoff is kinda hot. She has her moments but I think her charector is a bit too butch for me.

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...hoping they find earth and we're the same warmongers we've always been...and we crush the Cyclons with the newfound allies


that would be badass




In reality, it'll probably be some bullshit about the Cyclons finally realizing that we're important to them (just as worthy of living in their god's eyes or something) and they call a truce, after we find earth.

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Holy shit that opening 10 mins is insane!!! The special effects have improved 10 fold and just as I though they were going to start awnsering questions they added 10 more and the plot has gotten very complex.


Heh, I liked this line...."Do you feel the presence of god now?" LOL!!!

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When Tigh shot Adama in the face I about had a heart attack!! Good way to start the season! I don't like the direction they're taking Apollo, lawyer? are you kidding me?? That's just gay. I do think the chat he and his dad had about Starbuck was a hugely important part that is hinting about the series end.


What do you guys think happened with "Anders" when the cylon raider scanned him or whatever? Reprogrammed him maybe??


Also, I now think Gaeta is the final cylon, Starbuck would be too easy and I think her return is beyond just being a cylon.

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I do not think starbuck is a cylon. I don't think Gaeta is a significant enough character to be the last character for the finale.


Great show, I heard non-geeks at work talking about it, so thats worth something.

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When Tigh shot Adama, I literally dropped my remote into a glass of water sitting on the floor.


Did you catch the preview for next weeks episode? "Stop lobotomizing the Raiders!"? Wonder where THAT is gonna go......


My guess on the Final is probably Tom Zarek. They've sort of faded the character into the background, and Richard Hatch has been the ONLY actor from the show who isn't being interviewed.

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^Interesting theory on Zarek, it's possible. Gaeta being a theory seems to be a somewhat common theory as I've heard it from other people but who knows.


The cylons are having issues of their own obviously, they're becoming the same monsters they once considered humans to be and it will play heavily into the finale.

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Did you catch the preview for next weeks episode? "Stop lobotomizing the Raiders!"? Wonder where THAT is gonna go......

I could have sworn D'Anna got boxed. So does that mean only that particular instance of the D'Anna model got boxed, or is boxing something you do to the entire line?

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I want a damned war...and Cylon ass kicking


I don't want any of this "cylons have thier own problems and go away" bs


I don't want to hear their gods have accepted humans...

I don't want them deciding to go some other way and ignore humans

I simply want some big-ass wars with people from Earth helping


Too much to ask?

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I want a damned war...and Cylon ass kicking


I don't want any of this "cylons have thier own problems and go away" bs


I don't want to hear their gods have accepted humans...

I don't want them deciding to go some other way and ignore humans

I simply want some big-ass wars with people from Earth helping


Too much to ask?


HA yes way too much to ask. Judging from the previews in the last episode it seems the cylon's will implode just as the humans have in the past few season's. either way I cant wait to see what happens. Im tempted to not watch any episodes until the season is over so i dont have to deal with the waiting for the next episode.

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