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BSG Season 4!!

Dr. Apex

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^Her entire line was supposedly boxed but who knows.


I don't have my Season 3 DVD on hand, so I may be wrong, but doesn't "boxing" refer to just not allowing further resurrections from the line as they die off naturally? Or do they go ahead and kill off all the individuals from the line as well? If they don't kill off the entire line, perhaps they just cull the line to remove the unstable ones, and then isolate the rest in positions where they can't cause problems?

Killing off 8.3% of your popualtion seems like it would create a large number of problems with staffing, let alone the effort involved in making sure none of them are left to pull a Gelfling on you!

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...let alone the effort involved in making sure none of them are left to pull a Gelfling on you!

There's something so hideously twisted about that, but I can't figure out what.



Oh, yeah... the intro monologue got attached to a song on the 'Spawn' soundtrack.

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I don't have my Season 3 DVD on hand, so I may be wrong, but doesn't "boxing" refer to just not allowing further resurrections from the line as they die off naturally? Or do they go ahead and kill off all the individuals from the line as well? If they don't kill off the entire line, perhaps they just cull the line to remove the unstable ones, and then isolate the rest in positions where they can't cause problems?

Killing off 8.3% of your popualtion seems like it would create a large number of problems with staffing, let alone the effort involved in making sure none of them are left to pull a Gelfling on you!


They said they were going to box her "entire line" so I would assume it means all of them. They showed her in the preview for next week so we'll have to wait and see what happens.

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Gents - remember that the series' creators and writers said in no uncertain terms: "They will never find earth. Never. Never. Never. It will not happen."


Apparently they both hated Galactica1980 so much that whatever they do it will NOT involved them coming to earth. also - remember the mythos of the storyline has this happening TODAY, not in the future or past, or in an alternate reality. So if they came to earth they'd find US, not our remains or us in the middle ages. Both creators said they are keeping that bit of the mythos. The timeline is now.


Lastly - Starbuck= hottest. Grace Park is shaped like a 13yr old boy (where are the bewbs?). Tricia Helfer has got great expresssions and the tallness is a plus, but she needs to put on some pound- who wants to hug a sack of doorknobs? Starbuck? Curves and can move that cigar around her mouth real skillfully...


D'Anna - Just because they box a line doesnt mean you can't get em out of the crates later. Duh.


Last cylon? I like Zarek - Richard Hatch could do that well.

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Gents - remember that the series' creators and writers said in no uncertain terms: "They will never find earth. Never. Never. Never. It will not happen."


Apparently they both hated Galactica1980 so much that whatever they do it will NOT involved them coming to earth. also - remember the mythos of the storyline has this happening TODAY, not in the future or past, or in an alternate reality. So if they came to earth they'd find US, not our remains or us in the middle ages. Both creators said they are keeping that bit of the mythos. The timeline is now.


Lastly - Starbuck= hottest. Grace Park is shaped like a 13yr old boy (where are the bewbs?). Tricia Helfer has got great expresssions and the tallness is a plus, but she needs to put on some pound- who wants to hug a sack of doorknobs? Starbuck? Curves and can move that cigar around her mouth real skillfully...


D'Anna - Just because they box a line doesnt mean you can't get em out of the crates later. Duh.


Last cylon? I like Zarek - Richard Hatch could do that well.


Gotta agree here. I read somewhere that Edward Olmos (sp?) said most fans would be severely disappointed and upset with the outcome of this final season. i.e. They're not finding it.

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I would hate it if they DID find earth. Then they'd have to explain away why we can't go outside, look up and see them.


The show is too smart to have to rely on whatever cheesy ass plot device that would require. The suspension of disbelief they've cultivated so hard over the past 5 years with their attention to detail would just go down the toilet. So far nothing they've done has disrupted the possibility that all this *could* actually be happening right now lightyears away.

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I'm curious about one thing you pointed out. You said that the timeline is inline with our own, but, that would require us to have had the technology to 'spread out' across the galaxy years and years ago. We don't have the technology now, nor would we have had it then. So how do you explain that part?


Though an interesting concept, I've never heard them mention that the events of the show are happening in our time. I always assumed it was in the future. Is this something that was mentioned in an episode? I'm curious where you got this info.

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Im interested to know this aswell. I think they've gone out of their way to not commit to any one timeline over the series. Thats why I always thought they left the door open for this to be occuring in the past/present/future.


So... if we KNOW they wont find earth then whats the end game? cylons implode and end up fighting themselves while they leave the humans alone? They settle on some nice planet and call it earth even though it isnt?

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It's mentioned several times that the Exodus of the 13 tribes happened about 2000 years ago which lines up with our current dating system. 1 came here to earth, the rest to the colonies. For whatever reason they probably developed differently or whatever but if we don't see them finding earth it will all be up to our imagination.


Though I think Mowgli is possibly right in us never seeing them make it to earth it will probably leave off with them either defeating the cylons and continue torwards earth or joining the cylons or something of the like and going on to earth but leaving us hanging there.


All I know is I want to see how it ends but I don't want it to end as I've really enjoyed watching this show.

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