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what comes out of your mouth?  

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  1. 1. what comes out of your mouth?

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I'm guessing this is his way of signaling her that he's tired of her checking up on him all the time/bein' nosy of his every move??? To discourage her from this.....He's givin' her worst case answers to rattle her cage. Ask me no questions......I'll tell you no lies

Wifey & I fight constantly. We each have our own version/spin of "truth" when arguing. I've always said there are no punches below the belt with us......'cause the belt's on the floor

After 17 years & 4 kids.....She knows me better than anybody, what all my "hot buttons" are, and is VERY adept at pushing them. We're each other's best friend, and worst enemy......All rolled into one. Kinda like sleeping with the enemy ;)

My wife hates the fact that I'm brutually honest. She wants to sugar coat everything and I've taught my two daughters honesty is the best policy but when she pushes my button, game on. I'm in it to win regardless, sad but true.

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when you get to the point of just trying to piss each other off, then the argument is done... you arent arguing about whatever bullshit toic you were arguing about (like which way the toilet paper should hang... gimme a freakin break) now you are just trying to make the other person mad, and this accomplishes nothing.

when you start to feel that way, its best for both parties to just shut the fuck up and leave it be for a little bit. go take a walk and chill out and talk about it later.

when you are having a disagreement with your SO, be an adult and stick to the matter at hand. dont act like a 12 year old and say things just to piss the other person off, true or not. that accomplishes nothing, and it doesnt do anything to resolve the true issue.

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He would text his dude and when she asked who he was talking to he'd make up some girl just to be mean..

Fucked up.

maybe he doesnt feel the need to inform her every time he is texting a buddy or something?

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I say the truth, but the presentation of the truth is subjective. While what I'm saying is "technicially" true, it's way out of line and I've twisted it to make it sound bad. Usually I'm willing to admit then that it's out of line, but usually I don't care. I've gotten much better about that. Now I go away.

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ok, we both think that no one is getting the point of my question.. except for Fonzie and john.

Tom says: I think you guys took the wrong flight out of here on the topic lol. I wasn't meaning one of us makes up something to argue about or flat out lies about the gist of the argument. Someone did hit the nail on the head about getting to a point where you're throwing low-blows and needing to stop the argument, chill, and come back to it later. It's at that point we are debating if the truth comes out or fictional statments once you are throwing low-blows.

Do you sometimes say something untruthful during a low-blow exchange in a fit to "push the others buttons"? Discuss!

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I don't argue with my wife. My temper is really short, being a small irishman, I get mad quick and want to punch her in the face so I resort to breaking something then putting a hole in the wall that I end up having to fix. So I've learned after a few years just stop the fight. Try again later.

Honesty is at the top of my list, I can not stand to be lied to so, do unto others...

Come to think of it, the only fights we ever have are about money, or more like not having money.

If I were married to Ninjachicka I would lie about fighting!

edit: I am truthful in fight or not, but I don't go out of my way to say anything that I will regret later but I will always tell the truth when asked even if it hurts.

Edited by jeremygsxr
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I'm too lazy and tired to read everyone's responses. I believe it's a little bit of both. There is a big "grey" area here. The important thing is....are you able to apologize and forgive one another when hurtful things are said? Even if it is the truth forgive, forget, and move on. The first year of marriage is the hardest. I wish I would have made it past my first year. Unfortunately there wasn't much forgiveness of both our parts. Marriage is a gift and it takes much, much more than love to make it work. Even when you say hurtful things the effective communication afterwards is what gets you through the rough spots. That's my 2 cents anyways for what it's worth.

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No one ever believes the truth anyway, so tell the truth. Why weave a web of deceit, it never holds up, and always falls apart. The exception, of course, is saying anything, true or false, to be hurtful. Don't. Step back, take a deep breath, and say "I don't want to do that", even if it's out loud.

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I am not a good arguer because I loss my temper very badly and just yell anything that comes to mind. Last time me and my wife argued I called her a fucking dip shit or something along those lines then she threw the time warner remote at me.

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when you get to the point of just trying to piss each other off, then the argument is done... you arent arguing about whatever bullshit toic you were arguing about (like which way the toilet paper should hang... gimme a freakin break) now you are just trying to make the other person mad, and this accomplishes nothing.

when you start to feel that way, its best for both parties to just shut the fuck up and leave it be for a little bit. go take a walk and chill out and talk about it later.

when you are having a disagreement with your SO, be an adult and stick to the matter at hand. dont act like a 12 year old and say things just to piss the other person off, true or not. that accomplishes nothing, and it doesnt do anything to resolve the true issue.

Um, excuse me.....the way that the toilet paper is loaded is a VERY big issue. It should always come over the top of the roll from the back, no exceptions. This may be the only item that I will have to enforce 'my house, my rules' in the new place, cause Schmuck loads tp the wrong way.

I agree with you on all other points!

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Um' date=' excuse me.....the way that the toilet paper is loaded is a VERY big issue. It should always come over the top of the roll from the back, no exceptions. This may be the only item that I will have to enforce 'my house, my rules' in the new place, cause Schmuck loads tp the wrong way.

I agree with you on all other points![/quote']

SG, I recently got railed over this very argument. The SO seems to STRONGLY believe that the roll should pull from underneath and against the wall. What kind of logic is that? It is a roll of toilet paper, not a printing press.


+2 Over the top!!

This has been the source of several stupid arguments in my home as well. Anymore.....It's just a 17 year guerrilla war. She puts it on rolling under.......I immediately change it to over top, next time I, errmm, sit down......She never changes it back until she hangs another roll!! :rolleyes:

Wash...Rinse....Repeat :D

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